Account wide ignore feature

Account wide ignore feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dark Catalyst.1028

Dark Catalyst.1028

With the advent of the LFG tool, I think we need a tool to protect ourselves from abusive players. As I understand it, we currently have the block feature which prevents blocked players from sending us whispers, but it needs to go further.

We need an ignore feature which is preferably account wide. If someone is so abusive to the point I never want to deal with them again and I “ignore” them, I’m not going to want to talk to them or group with them on ANY of my characters. Whispers need to be permanently blocked and grouping through LFG needs to be blocked until such time the “ignore” is lifted.

This will result in less work for the support team and less frustration for players. It’s an efficient and elegant solution because you could take care of the problem yourself. Right-click, ignore, account wide problem solved!