Achiev points / daily

Achiev points / daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erkenbrand.6098



Hello guys. I dont like last days updates about achievs. I loved gw bcs it never was hard time consuming game like WoW (played it 6y, GW only 2,5y). But in time – with daily, timed achievs and removing infinite Agent of Entropy its start be very hard time consuming game too for peeps whos want achievs and gear.

I want play game, enjoy all aspects of it and get achievs for it. If i miss some achiev there was possible replace it by Agent of entropy. It was great, Now it isnt. Before
someone start oppose – for AoE you need money – so its take some time too. Just everyone can choose his own way to get AP.

Just for example – Lunatic achiev need about 10h+ to finish – for 1 achiev?
So GW2 start be game for no lifers same as WoW? Its really new way for Anet?
Where is Anets: gw2 is game for everyone? We havent HM content, we have only time content – so school players, or no lifers without family or work are best….so we dont need skills just time!!??

Every day just daily + timed story content take a lot of time. There is not much time to enjoy other game contents – pvp, dungeons, temples etc.

Players can choose ofc – spent in game 5h per day or be noob there. So again, its really new GW2 way? Iam sad about it, because GW was awesome game =(

Achiev points / daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


The Lunatic Inquisition achievement isn’t intended so much as a way to get AP as it is a way to reward people playing it already; it wasn’t even an achievement at the start of Blood & Madness. Since it’s a cyclical achievement, like Frequent Sprinter, there isn’t even a permanent marker to earn with it. If you’re not already playing tons of Inquisition just for the fun of it, there’s really no reason to make yourself play it. <<;

If you don’t like the time commitment of getting daily achievements, just don’t do them. You get rewarded for them, but it’s not like you’re going to far dramatically behind for not doing them, unless you’re trying to compete on the AP leaderboards. And, frankly, if you’re trying to compete on the AP leaderboards, to be the highest-ranked in the world, yeah, you should expect an absurd time commitment.

GW2 eats up a ton of time if you feel compelled to do everything, so just don’t do everything. That’s a bit like being bothered that there are too many good TV shows on to watch in a reasonable amount of time. Focus on whatever game content you enjoy the most, within whatever amount of time you want to spend, and don’t worry about what you miss.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Achiev points / daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


The biggest problem with the temporary APs (daily/monthly and living world) as I see it is that there’s no way for new players to be able to catch up in AP, at all. Poor chinese players. When GW2 launches over there, they’re already 7-17k AP behind everyone else, and they’ll have no chance to participate in the living world stories and achievements that have been in the game so far either. The AP leaderboards are imo very invalidated by this, as the #1 player is simply the person who picked up the game early and played 24/7 and only focused on the achievements from the very start.

Removing the cap on the AoE achievement wouldn’t solve the problem either, as you can simply buy gems, convert it to gold and buy your way to the #1 spot in the leaderboards. Pay to win, in other words. Not competitive at all.

I think they should implement some sort of system where you can access and complete old unfinished daily/monthly achievements if you’ve completed the current daily/monthly. The old dailies wouldn’t reward you with laurels or anything else, just AP. It would still take the same amount of time and effort to do them, and that way you’d at least have the ability to catch up instead of being locked out because you started the game too late or was away for a week or two. Furthermore, they really should open up the old Living World achievements, at least for recurring content such as halloween, wintersday and dragon bash.

Achiev points / daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erkenbrand.6098


Yea Larkir, new players have hard game – everywhere is just 5k+, 7k+ etc and many 2k and lower is kicked for no reasson. I have 13k+ achievs, i love farm them….but i really havent see problem with starter players – everyone was starter! Its what i want, some alternative way how get achievs – mby for gems, mby for golds or mby some grind….any =)

Achiev points / daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I find people who kick the those with low achv stats is just silly. I know 2 people who have been around since the start who have just 1.8k and 3k pts. It’s not that they are not good or don’t play they just don’t bother with getting achievement points. I get where they are coming from (the people who kick) because the majority of the time if they are under 2k pt they are pretty new, but that’s just not the case with some people.