Achievement rewards for all toons
i agree on the achievement based skins. i would like to see them as usable or retrievable for every toon…
Join the Rainbow Pride
I completely agree. I find it disappointing that when I buy an appearance based item from the gem store I have to pick which one of my characters will get to use it. The same goes with the Shatterer wings reward from the Dragon Bash. In GW1 there were festival hat and costume npcs that enabled you to get the purchased item or festival reward for each of your characters. For festival items in GW2 you’re just out of luck – can’t get more than one. And with costume items, it’s too much of a pain to keep things in storage so you can swap between characters, and buying the same thing for ten different characters is just too expensive. I’d honestly be more interested in buying more items if I could then choose to duplicate the item onto additional characters. The gem store has become too costly for accessorizing multiple characters and the only-one-festival-reward accessory is unfortunate.