Activity - Kegbrawl
I do not think this would be fair to all the people who have completed their Kegmaster achievement or are close to completing it, it would compromise the work they put into it. This part of suggestion is brilliant, but I’m afraid it’s been too long in the game to change it.
As to throwing the keg out of the field or lobbing it halfway across the field – those are actually game features and rules, I find them perfectly fine.
What this game needs though, is some popularization of the actual rules, because when my friends or I play kegbrawl and do long-range lobs, there is always a person who gets all furious, calls us cheaters, threatens to report us and get us all banned. While official GW2 wiki describes how to do long-range lobbing on the list of tips on how to play kegbrawl. Not that such threats hurt me any, but after a certain period of time I got tired of them, and it would be nice to eliminate the frustration of newbie players, who do not know that long-range lobs are legal.
Already completed all achievements needed for kegmaster title so I disagree ( Just to other ppl can farm it faster than me, I already spend 25 + hours playing this minigame )