Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dynthor.3016


Is this a bug or a shameful oversight in development that went unnoticed before release? If its the latter, then why has it not been fixed? I hope something is being done pronto to fix this, not being able to preview gear before buying it is not only annoying as hell but incredibly time consuming trying to cross-reference with scattered screenshots on forum posts. Seriously, fix this asap, I’ve probably spent more time searching for armor skin info online then actual gameplay time. Its bad enough something this big wasn’t addressed during beta testing but to not have this patched by now is just Epic Fail.

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: SciChronic.3846


i’m pretty sure you can already preview gear. it’s called right-clicking

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Don’t bump these, they pop up all the time.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dynthor.3016


You can’t preview at trading post. And I’ll bump until its fixed, if it bothers you, don’t read it.

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: ParaMythos.6379


Yeah, I am going to ignore Nels the “Negative” whose comments are never helpful.

I agree this needs to be fixed as you still can’t preview in Trading Post, I don’t want to buy armour that looks hideous if I can help it.

Right Hand (Guild Leader)
The Scarlet Hand [HAND] – Borlis Pass

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarque Sinister.9032

Tarque Sinister.9032

OMG!! It makes no sense why this isn’t implemented. Especially with the cost of some of the cultural gear. Please implement this.

Server: Anvil Rock
Main Character: Lugg Knut (Charr/Engineer)
Guild: Bed Intruders [HIDE]

Add Armor and Weapon Preview to Traders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loridian.2410


No you CAN NOT preview an item in Tradepost. This to me is agreeably ridiculous. Only reason I can think of is it would stop you from buying gear that’s ugly, but may have the stats you want. Then would force you to find another piece of gear you like and again force you to use a Transmutation stone where you can only find where……..GEM Store…..or get lucky and get from a locked chest, which you need to get a key from the………GEM Store.
I believe this to be the reason behind them not allowing preview of items in TradePost. I hope I am wrong, but what other reason would there be? If its changed/fixed I will be very surprised, but very happily retract my conspiracy theory,