Add Mini Pets to Home Instance

Add Mini Pets to Home Instance

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlueSoda.6297


So i was just reading about how a-net is going to be doing more with our home instances (Adding a personal quartz node and some kind of model).

So anyway, I would just really like it if we could have our mini pets that are in our bank account running around freely in my home instance. I would really like to walk around and interact with all of them. Plus it would be really fun to have my friends come in and look at them with me.

Charr Lawful-Neutral

Add Mini Pets to Home Instance

in Suggestions

Posted by: sazberryftw.3809


That’s not a bad idea! Kinda cute. c:
Could get cluttered though. Maybe it could be like the HoM mini display was in GW1, where you choose 5 or so (maybe more) minis to be displayed.

| Lithia |