Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neo Nocturna.9265

Neo Nocturna.9265

Since first starting GW2, one thing has always stood out in my mind as unnecessary and incredibly annoying. The Living World element on the UI. I don’t have a high-res monitor, so anything that obstructs my view of the game world usually takes up a large section of the screen for me.

Yes, I know that you can click the title of the element to “minimize” it. However, given that it automatically maximizes itself anytime you use a waypoint or change zones, even this has become tedious and annoying. I’ve put up with it silently because I felt like it couldn’t get any worse than this. The most I would have to deal with was one Living World category. Until now.

With the latest update, another Living World element was added to the UI. So now, I’ve come to voice my concern. PLEASE add an option to allow the removal/addition of Living World/Story Quest elements to the UI. I’m tired of having my screen unnecessarily obstructed. I’m tired of constantly clicking to minimize these elements. And having finished most of the personal stories in the game, I’m tired of having to deal with the Story Quest UI element on new characters as well.

I feel like this shouldn’t be all that difficult to implement. We already have a “Watch List” function that works pretty much exactly how I wish the current UI elements would work. Can we have something similar, please?

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neo Nocturna.9265

Neo Nocturna.9265

Not a single reply to this… No one cares about the the UI text on their screen at all?

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delta.2093


It’s not just that extremely annoying Living Story and Personal Story UI elements – but anything should be customizable – like on/off, position on the screen or allow to drag (like the minimap) and their size/scale.
The current UI is perfect for those who like it, and for everyone else: there are options to change it, as you like it.

Delta | Spell (M) | Bold (W) | Conde (N) | Sky (El) | Flames (G) | Heart (T)
[FUG/SG/TDT] on the Jade Quarry

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: RavenStorm.2193


I agree give us the choice to remove these things. They are in the way we have them in hero panel if we want to see them. I would prefer to be able to have more control in this area. Other then just the small amount of control we have now it would be nice to have a change in the map as well I dislike the square shape and the inability to move it where I want to.

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neo Nocturna.9265

Neo Nocturna.9265

Yes, more control over the UI in general would be lovely. I’m just so sick of the quest text on my screen. I also didn’t like the position of the chat box when I first started, but I’ve since gotten used to it at least…

Add/Remove display of Living World from UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: skullkid.6875


I also would really like this. I have a lot of alts and the personal story UI is really annoying. A toggle would be fantastic.