Add a music system using the .abc file system
Oh god, no. I don’t want to hear more custom audio in game that makes me cringe. The bells are bad enough.
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Seeing the new flutes in game made me think of the same thing today. Just reviving this suggestion (rather than creating a new one) because I’d love to see something like this now that we’re getting a wider variety of musical instruments!
the marriner horn is annoying, but i like the flute and since player seems to like playing instruments an .abc would be better than players actually trying to play lord of the ring theme over and over with that horrible result
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It would require quite a bit of work to install such a system at this stage of the game. Perhaps in an expansion if there ever is one on the horizon. However our Guild had a blast in Lotro with the music system. Not all midis out there will sound good when converted to abc unless you know how to adjust levels and octaves but the wife, being in the music business managed to get quite a few unique songs converted. Our band was in demand at festivals and for guild events and we managed to make ourselves quite a bit of coin in tips.
If done properly it can sound good, if not it can be annoying. Look up my handle “Theftwind and Mystic Blades” on Youtube for a few songs we recorded.
I don’t utilize such systems, so feel free to take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I much prefer such instruments actually be instruments, not just boom boxes for playing whatever popular song someone downloaded off a site. I have much more tolerance for listening to the Star Wars theme in Lion’s Arch if someone is actually trying to play it, rather than just hitting “play.”