we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Add a sound when calling targets, GW style
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Your character will usually shout about it, but if you have VO off, you of course won’t hear it… You can also target the called target by pressing a key, though I don’t remember which one. It’s true that the shout is not very audible, I agree.
“Attack my target!”
I hear that a dozen or so times in a big battle. And it is often my character shouting it as I call targets. So there is a clear and unmistakable audio to calling targets. I suggest you turn voice over up, and the rest down a hair. Although my sound options are on default and I don’t have any problems hearing it.
That said I believe you still just need to press T to assist, just like in GW1.
In GW this is how we knew about a called target.
1. The chat box gives a notification saying “Player1234 has called target on Player5678.”
2. A special symbol would show up in the party window for about 15 seconds, meaning a new target has been called. This sound was only used for calling targets
3. A high-pitched sound would play for all party members as soon as a new target was called.
And in GW2
1. The chat box gives a notification.
2. A special symbol shows up over the head of the target.
3. The character calling target speaks to notify you that they are calling a target.
The current system doesn’t work well enough. The shouts that characters do when they call a target is centered around that character, if you are far away from the person calling the target you might miss it. Also, phrases of speech are constantly being heard while fighting, having to identify an “Attack my target!” in the middle of all kinds of other sound effects doesn’t do the job. The sound effect for calling targets should be high-pitched, it should be used only for calling targets, and it should play in the speakers of all party members, centered on them, so it sounds the same no matter where they’re standing or what they’re doing.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.