Add enemy names and /yell between servers

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


What fun is competition without live trash talk?

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: holska.4127


Enemy names ok but I’m not that fond of trash talk personally I prefer physical over verbal

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: PredatoR.5247


i think adding the names and ability to talk to them could spark rivalries
and that, would be freakin awesome

Jericho The Usurper[Agg] – Aggression

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Same.4687


We were able to talk to our enemies before, which is impossible now because ANet deleted the option to do so. Hence, they don’t want it, we won’t get it.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Soooooooo… Add names for the one reason they didn’t put them in in the first place. First class argument

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.9641


Me personally I´m prefering to know my enemies and having a nice chat after some hardcore fighting, but I believe the mass of players would missuse this possibility, so I can understand why Anet doesn´t give us this feature.

Imo its a Ride on the Razors Edge, ´cause as long as the possibility gets used in a normal and respectful way, is quite good, funny, interesting, … also including some friendly flaming^^
But if its missused …

Big Heimdal

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Me personally I´m prefering to know my enemies and having a nice chat after some hardcore fighting, but I believe the mass of players would missuse this possibility, so I can understand why Anet doesn´t give us this feature.

Imo its a Ride on the Razors Edge, ´cause as long as the possibility gets used in a normal and respectful way, is quite good, funny, interesting, … also including some friendly flaming^^
But if its missused …

What the difference between sPvP and WvW? You can see your enemy’s name in sPvP. Why not WvW?

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.9641


Because of the mass, in sPvP there´s a lot more smaller group of people arround (in the situation) and sPvP has a bit more sportive background
It´s not the same as in WvW, there is War (sure its a game, but WvW simulates War – much more than sPvP) and so there is another speech.
Also depending on the Mass-Effect, where the Trollers and Flamers are stronger in the Mass.

Big Heimdal

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: ktith.6197


Names sure. Cross server trash talk…bad idea. While it creates rivalry for sure (it has in every other game that I’ve played that had the ability to do so), it also creates a form of harassment and chat clutter that becomes more than annoying.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.9641


Absolutely sign ktith

Big Heimdal

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Names – Absolutely!
Chat – Nope!

They did this in DAoC and it lent itself to rivalries and identity.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Etna.1634


Add names atleast.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: cafard.8953


Personally, i get to ‘enjoy’ enough xenophobic/homophobic ramblings on my own server’s map chat. I don’t think i quite need to get the opposition’s in addition.

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Names – Absolutely!
Chat – Nope!

They did this in DAoC and it lent itself to rivalries and identity.

Exactly. When I kill people, I want them to know they got killed by the worst Ranger on the server.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Nope.. No talking. Will lead to duels and 1v1 set up stuff. also you will get all the people that get mad if you join in fight they set up etc etc…

Nope.. No talking. Will lead to duels and 1v1 set up stuff. also you will get all the people that get mad if you join in fight they set up etc etc…Names is 100% fine though. Just not chat

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: dank.3680


Adding names I’m all for. The /yell not so much. When we had the option to get names from the /report function it was great as I made many friends on opposing servers and got to setup lots of fun duels and stuff.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chromatos.9852


Being able to view emotes, and having to suffer people using /point and /laugh is bad enough, why would even more communication be a good idea?
Using the forums for after battle chats is perfectly adequate, even if you don’t know who exactly you were fighting.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: kecco.3456


I loved the way it worked before. I had a great time chatting with opponents and I never got any negative whispers. Maybe because the method wasn’t well known or players thought it took too much time, idk. It makes WvW a lot more fun. I was wondering, if there was a method for communicating with opponents, could anet set up rules and we report anyone abusive? Maybe they get banned from WvW for a while? That’s my vote anyway.

I don’t think we need names. I like seeing ‘server name’ invader.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: TxJBxT.9370


No thank you on the /yell part. Don’t need any harassment.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ender.3508


I remember going into the jump puzzle in the enemy BL, killing an enemy warrior with a buttload of stunbreaks and escapes. /bowed to him after the fight, he wispers me and says that he wasnt going to attack, and so i responded with “Ohh, sorry bout that then.” He then informs me, that a few Devonas were harrassing the jump puzzle, they pushed them out and set up siege of their own. Told me to /wave and /salute and they wouldn’t attack. Been friends with him since then.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gahn.8150


Agree on names or revert the “Report” part.
Yells? As long as i can turn em off …
That said risk of flooding with Emotes/Yells etc is high.

Gahn Lonewolf [TDA]
Norn Guardian

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


Pros on Names: Report Hackers.

Scenario: Player dies Great fight. Game moves on

Cons on Names: People who would wreck it with kitten.

Player Dies
Player who won – Take dat noob I is winars. >:B
-Winner turned out to not be thief but Ranger with apparent whispers hood and won miraculously with sword-

Scenario 2:

Single player dies to zerg
Dead player – (Insert a lot of swearing and hue hueing about how other server is only winning because of their numbers and can only win with numbers and could take them on in a 1v1)

Same player gets killed again in a one on one vs player waiting for a close range one on one to happen for weeks and turns out to be a respectable commander in server with a lot of pvp skill

Dead player rages in chat again on how warrior cheated blah blah blah

Someone watching posts the whole thing on Reddit for the luls with pictures and we all laugh

So yeah lets add it on. :V
I want luls.

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: pierwola.9602


or add show/hide name button to the game

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Being able to talk between servers would be terrible. I don’t know about everyone else, but I don’t want to have a bunch of 15 year olds attempting to troll in WvW. We get that enough in team chat.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Atomic Sharks.7250

Atomic Sharks.7250

how about its only the (say) option that the opposition can see? because you’re basically shouting it to the general area so why can’t you hear the enemy if they are shouting it?

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Walabone.6713


No chat. As others have said – Actions speak louder than words

I very much want to see enemy names included in the WvW experience. I think Anet has repeatedly said, “No.” BUT I would like the say that knowing who I am fighting against in previous games, such as Warhammer Online, was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the Open PvP. There was an Add-on called The Book of Grudges, and it kept track of every person you ever killed (as well as every person you died to). It was a lot of fun to create some imagined rivalries between yourself and opposing players (heck some friendships were even formed over these grudges!).

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


Could you explain the correlation between trash talk and competition?
Don’t you fill your need for immaturity just by reading over this forum?

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


They really should add enemy names along with kill spam. That was the best part about DAoC. I guess the problem comes with them not wanting cross server chat. I imagine it would be pretty easy to chat cross server if they added names to enemies.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suddendeath.2035


Add the names…but chat no way…ever
I offer an alternative though…more emotes than can be see cross server.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Araris.7839


They will never allow talking because of the verbal abuse that just leads to drama they have to deal with when one side or the other decides to report the person.

However, they Do need to add names to WvW so it feels like you’re actually fighting humans. Make it mandatory to be friends on both ends to be able to whisper cross server, Add a request box for friend-adds. Everyone wins. Those that want to talk crap to each other can do so, those that don’t wont have to, but can at least see who they’re fighting.

It improves community without grief for the players or Anet.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: kecco.3456


I think Araris’ idea would be perfect. I definitely don’t want chat to be spammed. That would be awful. Being able to select ‘add friend’ would be great, one caveat though, we really need the option to remove friends. That way if someone turns out to be abusive, you can just de-friend them.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Could you explain the correlation between trash talk and competition?
Don’t you fill your need for immaturity just by reading over this forum?

show me a sport without trash talk. In many sports it’s part of the game there were athletes studied excelled in trash talk they would get their opponents of their game people like Floyd Mayweather Kevin Garnett and many others

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Ugh. I don’t want to see any “Hahaa Kittens, we done take your keep” or “Kittening newbie Kittycats taking our Kittened keep.” And, I don’t want people to be able to PM that either.
It’s bad enough when we got some blame-the-situation-on-everyone-else-since-we-weren’t-even-here-guilds join the borderlands maps.

So NO names,
NO chat.

Also, could disable /emotes from opponent team. (All though its always fun to /point and /laugh.)

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikcen.7518


I want ppl to talk, if they can’t seems they are mobs, so I’m player, you are mobs, if you feel good like this, go on mobs:)

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jovel.5706


Adding names to WvW unavoidably adds chat too.

Let’s say two buddies schedule a fight through skype or something in some area in WvW.

Then an experienced thief comes along and interupts, manages to kill one or both of them, and /laughs.

That thief could be added and a geeky internet flame war could start at Lion’s Arch because what’s stopping people from messaging eachother from different servers? Nothing, all you’d have to do is add them, leave WvW, and release your angry feelings onto the other player(s) most likely resulting in a ban.

I don’t think ArenaNet will allow this lol. Before they fixed an issue all you had to do was /report someone, add their username.xxxx code, and talk to them. If they fixed that, I don’t think they’ll simply add names and “/yelling” in WvW.

Add enemy names and /yell between servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: kecco.3456


If you could just right click an invader and have an option like, “add WvW friend” that the invader can accept or deny, then those of us who want to chat with the other team could and those who didn’t could just not accept any requests. This is Araris’ idea more or less, but I agree with Jovel that names won’t be added.