Add person's guild to the leaderboards

Add person's guild to the leaderboards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


Why does the person’s server show up but not their guild?

I know this might be hard with being able to rep multiple guilds, but I’m sure the information about the last represented guild is stored. Plus, most of the hardcore players usually stick to one main guild.

I wrote a script to get the rankings for the top 20 achievement point rankers on my server (Darkhaven) and created a mapping to guilds (although I’m still missing it for some). Wouldn’t it be nice if the official leaderboards were more informative like this?

Add person's guild to the leaderboards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

After you sign into your accounts, if you go to the leaderboards you can select any of your current guilds from a drop down menu. The options are,World, Guild and Friends and they rank you accordingly to the option you select. If you choose Guild another drop down appears where you can select your guild.

Add person's guild to the leaderboards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


Yes, that’s only your guilds though. I would like to see what guilds people are in.