Adding ability to report powerleveling
What do you mean? People are trying to help you level up and you’re reporting them for fun? Doesn’t sound very nice thing to do.
(Or is the nature of these messages different than what I understand by powerleveling? To me, powerleveling is a high-level player teaming up with low-level player to help him on his journey. Which should be perfectly fine and definately something you’d report.)
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
I think he is refering to people offering a “leveling service” generally offered by the same companies that sell gold…basikittenhey play your account with you credentials without you there to level your character for you.
This is a great way to get your account security compromised and or banned. they can bot with your character farm gold with your character to sell to someone else, and if it gets banned oh well.
and it violates the EULA.
I never got the concept of powerlvling either…I also got an offer for it whispered while playing wow. They asked if i wanted them to lvl up my character.
I asked that person why I would buy a game and pay a subscription just so I would pay someone else to play it…. makes no sense… He did never reply to that question…
Report them with the gold seller option, it’s usually the same people running both. Or use the spam option.
Maybe even the scam option, as I have seen some of them offering Power Leveling in Eve Online. A game where you earn skill points in real time logged in or not, and the only way to speed it up is to plug in learning implants. Making power leveling impossible there.
This is actually a Gold Selling spam. You have the option to report it in-game.
Actually, powerleveling is usually botting, so report it as botting…
Everyone knows people who advertise ingame are never usig their own accounts, thus meaning its a 99% chance you lose your account to them
What do you mean? People are trying to help you level up and you’re reporting them for fun? Doesn’t sound very nice thing to do.
(Or is the nature of these messages different than what I understand by powerleveling? To me, powerleveling is a high-level player teaming up with low-level player to help him on his journey. Which should be perfectly fine and definately something you’d report.)
Sorry for late reply.
Like someone else wrote below your post, I mean the players who offer a service of leveling for a payment in Real Money. The mails I got was offering to level my characters for me and those are the ones I have reported. If a player in-game is offering to run tasks with me for no payment or compensation of unusual nature of course I wouldn’t report.
P.s. I should have used a different name for it in the title :/
Seriously I really doubt we need separate labels for every sort of RMT or violation of the user agreement. Flag them and let the GMs figure it out.
They’re not gonna go read the offending email, see “oh this is a powerlevel ad, not gold selling, nevermind.”