Additional Weapon Skills
I wouldn’t mind having tiers of weapon skills that are unlocked by getting a specific level, but the problem is balance. More skills mean it will be harder for devs to balance the classes. For example those new skills mustn’t be direct upgrade over the previous skill tier since low level players will have some disadvantage in WvW.
They are already at some disadvantage with their gear and lack of slot skills, and this could make them even weaker in WvW.
One way to fix this is to make the new tier of weapon skills unlockable by using skill points with constant price of 1 skill point per skill, or maybe even 1 skill point for entire tier of skills.
This is an interesting idea, but it basically gives every class a weaker version of Attunements (and it gives Eles eight, read it, EIGHT different skillbars per weapon set!), so I doubt this is ever gonna happen. Nice idea, but would totally break some class mechanics, IMHO.