Additions to Options/Binds

Additions to Options/Binds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458



Notes: a Toggle Switch is a key bind where pushing and releasing it turns the function ON when the key is released, and OFF again when the button is pushed a second time and released.

General Options

[]Character Specific Options (Changes options for this character only on all Options tabs)

Text Language [drop box]
Audio Language [drop box]
Profanity Filter [drop box]

User Interface
In-Game Clock: [drop box]
[]Show All Enemy Names
[]‘Show Enemy Names’ is a Toggle Switch
[]Show All NPC Names
[]Show All Player Names
[]‘Show Ally Names’ is a Toggle Switch
[]Disable Closing Windows with ESC
[]Show Skill Recharge
[]Simple Pary UI
[]Use Map Binds on Mini-Map (this allows all binds specific to the Main Map to be used while the mouse hovers over the Mini-Map)
[]Disable Map Open/Close Animation (becuase it is slow and blocks most other actions as the animation happens, it looks really cool enabled tho)

Rotation Speed |——[]————-|
Position |———[]———-|
‘Reset Camera’ Pitch Angle |——[]————-| (This adjusts the angle that is reset to)
[]‘Mouse Look’ is a Toggle Switch (as opposed to hold the key bind to ‘Mouse Look’, release to use mouse normally)
[]Invert Camera Y-Axis
[]Enable Camera Shake
[]Use Free Camera (when this is not checked the auto-reset should use the ‘Reset Camera’ Pitch Angle setting above)

[]Disable Targeting with RMB
[]Disable Targeting with LMB
[]‘Mouse Look’ Reticle (place a visible crosshair (and the invisible mouse cursor) in the middle of screen when using ‘Mouse Look’)
[]Double Tap to Evade
[]Disable Area of Effect Rings
[]Make Area of Effect Rings More Visible
[]Double-Click to Attack /Interact
[]Stop Autoattacking on Target Change
[]Promote Skill Target
[]Fast Cast Ground Targeting
[]Melee Attack Assist

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

Additions to Options/Binds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


Notes: RMB (Right Mouse Button), LMB (Left Mouse Button), MWup (Mouse Wheel up), MWdn (Mouse Wheel down), and MMB (Middle Mouse Button) should all be added to possible binds.
(Non-unique Bind) means a key bind that has the same funtionality that the ‘Jump’ and ‘Swim up’ currently do, i.e. this bind does not overwrite the same key press for other Non-unique Bindables, e.g. Binding <I> to ‘Inventory Dialog’ and ‘Hero Dialog’ is allowed, Binding <B> to ‘Move Backwards’ and ‘Swim Down’ is still allowed like it currently is. This is useful but can really mess things up if you do it wrong, but that’s what the ‘Reset Defaults’ button is for. Obviously this should overwrite exact opposites like turn right/turn left should be exclusive to each other but other than that it should be wide open.

Control Options (Key bindings)

Move Forward (Non-unique Bind)
Move Backwards (Non-unique Bind)
Strafe Left (Non-unique Bind)
Strafe Right (Non-unique Bind)
Turn Left (Non-unique Bind)
Turn Right (Non-unique Bind)
Dodge (Non-unique Bind)
Auto-Run (Non-unique Bind)
Walk (Non-unique Bind)
Jump (Non-unique Bind)
Swim Up (Non-unique Bind)
Swim Down (Non-unique Bind)
About Face (Non-unique Bind)

Swap Weapons (Non-unique Bind)
Weapon Skill 1
Weapon Skill 2
Weapon Skill 3
Weapon Skill 4
Weapon Skill 5
Healing Skill
Select Healing Skill (this opens the pop-up to change this skill OOC)
Utility Skill 1
Select Utility Skill 1 (this opens the pop-up to change this skill OOC)
Utility Skill 2
Select Utility Skill 2 (this opens the pop-up to change this skill OOC)
Utility Skill 3
Select Utility Skill 3 (this opens the pop-up to change this skill OOC)
Elite Skill
Select Elite Skill (this opens the pop-up to change this skill OOC)
Prof. Skill 1
Prof. Skill 2
Prof. Skill 3
Prof. Skill 4
Prof. Skill 5 (Ranger Pet Guard/Peace)
Prof. Skill 6 (Ranger Pet Stow)

Call Target (always allowed, partied or not) (Non-unique Bind)
Take Target (always allowed, partied or not) (Non-unique Bind)
Nearest Enemy
Next Enemy
Previous Enemy
Nearest Ally
Next Ally
Previous Ally
Lock Auto Target (I am still clueless as to what this actually does)

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

Additions to Options/Binds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


User Interface
Trading Dialog (This should remember the last tab opened) (Non-unique Bind)
Gem Store (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Trader Dialog’ binds)
Currency Exchange (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Trader Dialog’ binds)
Trading Post (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Trader Dialog’ binds)
Sell on Trading Post (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Trader Dialog’ binds)
My Transactions (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Trader Dialog’ binds)
Pick Up (This is the tab that should open when the NPC is spoken to) (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Trader Dialog’ binds)
Contacts Dialog (This should remember the last tab opened) (Non-unique Bind)
Friends (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Contacts Dialog’ binds)
Looking for Group (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Contacts Dialog’ binds)
Followers (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Contacts Dialog’ binds)
Blocked (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Contacts Dialog’ binds)
Guild Dialog (This should remember the last tab opened)(Non-unique Bind)
Main (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Guild Dialog’ binds)
Roster (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Guild Dialog’ binds)
Upgrades (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Guild Dialog’ binds)
History (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Guild Dialog’ binds)
Ranks (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Guild Dialog’ binds)
Hero Dialog (This should remember the last tab opened) (Non-unique Bind)
Equipment (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Hero Dialog’ binds)
Skills and Traits (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Hero Dialog’ binds)
My Story (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Hero Dialog’ binds)
Crafting (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Hero Dialog’ binds)
Achievements (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Hero Dialog’ binds)
PvP (Non-unique Bind, but overwrites other ‘Hero Dialog’ binds)
Inventory Dialog (Non-unique Bind)
Pet Dialog (allow changing of aquatic while standing on land and visa versa)(Non-unique Bind)
Logout to Character Select (unless you add the hotkey to Character Select)
Options Dialog (unlike GW1 this box should close with ‘Close All Dialogs’ as well) (Non-unique Bind)
Party (Non-unique Bind)
Scoreboard (Non-unique Bind)
Information Dialog (Non-unique Bind)
Chat Show / Hide (Non-unique Bind)
Chat Command (Non-unique Bind)
Chat Message (Non-unique Bind)
Chat Reply (Non-unique Bind)
Show / Hide (Non-unique Bind)
Mail (Non-unique Bind)
Link to Chat (Non-unique Bind)
Ping to Chat (Non-unique Bind)

Mouse Look (This is the bind that is currently forced to be RMB, and should default to such)(Non-unique Bind)
Free Camera (Non-unique Bind)
Zoom In (Non-unique Bind)
Zoom Out (Non-unique Bind)
Look Behind (Non-unique Bind)
Look Right (if ‘Look Behind’ is 180 this is 90) (Non-unique Bind)
Look Left (if ‘Look Behind’ is 180 this is -90)(Non-unique Bind)
Level Camera (Level the camera to gravity, Z-axis I believe) (Non-unique Bind)
Reset Camera (Place the camera directly behind the character and adjust the pitch to the slider in General Options) (Non-unique Bind)

High Definition (Please, please, please give this back to us)

Map (See ‘[]Use Map Binds on Mini-Map’)
Open / Close (Non-unique Bind)
Recenter (Non-unique Bind)
Floor Down (Non-unique Bind)
Floor Up (Non-unique Bind)
Zoom In (Non-unique Bind)
Zoom Out (Non-unique Bind)
Draw/Ping (Non-unique Bind)
Grab Map (Non-unique Bind)
Place Personal Waypoint (Non-unique Bind)

Interact (keeps everything this used to do if specific types of interaction are not bound) (Non-unique Bind)
Loot (Non-unique Bind)
Talk/Greet (Non-unique Bind)
Use/Interact (Non-unique Bind)
Pick-up (Non-unique Bind)
Show Enemy Names (Non-unique Bind)
Show Ally Names (Non-unique Bind)
Stow / Draw Weapons (Non-unique Bind)
Close All Dialogs (Closes EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING that is not part of the standard UI) (Non-unique Bind)
Toggle Language (Non-unique Bind)

New Tab
Move/Adjust UI Elements (when this tab is clicked, the Options box fades to about 90% transparent or just goes away until <Esc> is pressed, and ALL UI ELEMENTS ARE MOVEABLE AND/OR SIZEABLE.)

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

Additions to Options/Binds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


Bummer nobody commented on the Mad King says… title.

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi