Adjusting Tequatl Timers

Adjusting Tequatl Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: PolishSausage.1279


Let’s face facts here: the new Tequatl is probably one of the most controversial new pieces of content that the game has received, after the original Southsun Cove event. The reason being is that you have the group of players that want content that actually requires some semblance of brain activity to complete, vs the people that just want to be able to mash their face on the 1 key and get free loot.

That being said, there are some ways that the event itself can be improved upon to benefit all audiences.

I feel the primary thing is the event timer. 15 minutes is a bit short for as difficult as the encounter is. It shares the same time limit kittenterer, and is half the time that we get for Jormag. Since Teq is in a zone that is in between the two in terms of level gaps, it would be a good idea to bump the time limit to take that into account. 20 minutes seems like a nice spot to have it at, as not only does it give players a bit of leeway in case a group screws up and let’s a battery get wrecked, it also allows some breathing room for organized groups to be able to get him done in a timely manner.

I think that simple action may relieve some of the tension regarding the event itself. Other changes may be necessary as needed, but the timer change alone could make it a bit more attractive, since it creates a bit more room for error and makes it a bit less punishing.

Adjusting Tequatl Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: WildRaptor.4593


The biggest problem I had with Teq was learning how to fight it. The first few times I did the fight, I didn’t really have any idea of what was going on. Between Teq’s Fingers, maintaining and encouraging proper use of Hylek Turrets, teaching people to waypoint on death (myself included), jumping the waves and the notion that there would be some trick to it to make it harder, I couldn’t quite figure out what the best thing to do was.

It was only after a few fights with much fewer people that I could get a better idea of what was going on (very much linked to my actually getting onto one of the Turrets and being able to read the skill descriptions). The concept of keeping people on the turrets and the fingers to enable others to just deal damage isn’t that complicated, but the chaos did make it pretty difficult to figure out in the 15 minute slots that we got.

It would have been nice to have some way to learn about how to do the fight besides reading guides online and just trying the fight multiple times. Being able to use the turrets when not fighting Teq was great, some of the other mechanics like Teq’s scales and jumping the waves weren’t as easy to prepare for.