"Admin Lower Ranks" confusion!!

"Admin Lower Ranks" confusion!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Why can’t my guildmates send guild invites? It took a little experimentation between my guild officers to come to the conclusion that they could not invite anyone to the guild because they could not administrate lower ranks. At least half of my guild said “wtf” when we found out.

I don’t feel comfortable giving anyone lower than officer the ability to manipulate member’s ranks. It is just begging for problems.

Separate the ability to Recruit from the ability to mess with lower ranks! I would like my entire guild to be able to send Guild Invites, not just me and my 5 officers.

While you are at it you could also add a system that allows my officers to administrate my Guild while I am gone. My idea is to set a point-vote system where if a senior Officer (second/third in command) wants to promote/kick members or change something within my guild that I can allow them to initiate this point vote while the other officers can contribute if they feel it necessary.

Assistant Leader feels that Member A deserves a promotion but I am absent for the week. AL initiates a point-vote to promote Member A. Doing so adds his vote of 8 points into the “vote box”. A successful Promotion requires 20.

A few Officers feel that Member A also deserves a promotion. 4 Officers place their vote in the “vote box” for 3 points each. There is now 20 points in the “vote box”.

Member A gets promoted and I get notified via in game email.
