Aegis effect

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Farnes.4956


The more I play the game the more I care about the look of my characters and well, ‘’showing off’’ weapons and armor. And as a guardian I cant really ‘’show off’ any shields because you always have a big Aegis effect on it. is it possible to maybe do something about the effect of this? It kinda suck to not be able to show off the new awesome shield you just earned

(edited by Farnes.4956)

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: ikereid.4637


I wish we could change our Aegis to look like any of the other races, or maybe make our character Glow or something while under the effects, or turn it off entirely (you still see the buff icon). Something should be done here, I agree having Aegis enabled on shown 100% of the time is annoying at times.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


You are a guardian, aegis cannot be just a buff because what it does is rather strong (seriously it is a huge part of why a guardian can survive so well) so the effect has to be blatent and obvious.

Glowing auras look rediculous when they covor the entire body. No matter what effect they use, some people would hate it.
Also the best looking shield int he game, prophecies, only looks it’s absolute best when held by a guardian with the aegis effect protecting the flipping pages of the book. Especially when you add in the power fading off the edges of the shield matches the aegis perfectly.

It is part of your class, a constant blue spirit shield..which you’ve had for almost the entire career of your character.

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Volmarg.4310


I just bet that this thread will be simply ignored.

But I’ll give a try. ( haha)

Guard is my main char for months.
Indeed Aegis effect is annoying If we have “WRONG” shield.

If You can’t remove it.
At least give us a way to turn it off from displaying on shield.

Come one… There are other ways than destroying our shield appearance.
- smaller aegis on the hand in which we have weapon
- small gloving circle under foots
- small aegis on back while in combat – NOT on shield.
- Bar for guardians, above skills bar which will glow when aegis is on
—> You can leave normal aegis for non guardian profesions which will receive the boon from guard
—> We got health Orb in the middle. Add a small shield icon in it for guards.
—> Or that bar, above dodge bar.



Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edenwolf.6328


I agree, I’d like to be able to toggle aegis off shields, client side so enemy players can still see.

Alistat the White-Guardian, Edenwolf-Thief, Grimtech Jones-Necro Borlis Pass

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


I agree, I’d like to be able to toggle aegis off shields, client side so enemy players can still see.

This I can agree with, having it turn off for yourself is fine. In PvP I regularly check if I see that shield up as it lets me know if I should blow a skill or auto attack first to remove the block.

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Farnes.4956


After 1000 hours of gameplay on my Guardian alone I can pretty much say that I am getting sick of all the shields I am using is being ’’ruined’’. Sure, there are some shields who looks bloody amazing whit aegis on, but some are simply being hidden away by it. It would be nice to have an option to, well, make Virtue of Courage inactive by your demand. And maybe have it activate automatically if you take damage in case you forget to turn it on again.
Volmarg had some great idea’s for Aegis! But please, do something. Save the shields! What would Quaggan Jesus have done?

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Volmarg.4310


At least respond.

Just look at this.
What is this?

716 hours on this character.
And I’m tired of this.
Just let us turn it off.


(edited by Volmarg.4310)

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

The best solution will be to make it appear while in combat

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: foofad.5162


Agreed, switching it to only appear in combat would almost totally solve the problem. From a gameplay standpoint you do need the visual feedback, but only if you’re currently engaged.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


If they will remove it make it optional so you can toggle because i love it.

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

If they will remove it make it optional so you can toggle because i love it.

Well yeah, because some shields look better with aegis but some not like seraph shield, Aegis is bigger than it totally making it ugly, but on 2 handed weapons its just awesome.

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: rudenick.6057


Make it Turn-off-able please!

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


At least respond.

Just look at this.
What is this?

716 hours on this character.
And I’m tired of this.
Just let us turn it off.

716 hours played and you totally forgot that your aegis would appear?!

Aegis effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Volmarg.4310


At least respond.

Just look at this.
What is this?

716 hours on this character.
And I’m tired of this.
Just let us turn it off.

716 hours played and you totally forgot that your aegis would appear?!

1st of all. As a normal player which saw an epic looking item, and saw NO Aegis on it for preview, I just bought it. It’s VERY understandable that I just wanted that item and I forgot about bloody aegis. I got 6 other professions maxed on which I do the same thing. I buy an item, cuz I want it.

2nd thing. The same goes for my Ghastly shield. I bought it cuz I wanted it. And I’ve also forgot about the aegis, thing is that aegis doesn’t look so awfully on it. But what made me mad, was the new ,, Super Shield" on which Aegis covers mostly EVERYTHING. And therefore it destroys my new planned character appearance.