After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

Filling hearts could unlock other things to do in town.
*deliver quests to other town.
*lost and found quests
*retrive an item a NPC (in town, anther town, enemy, or npc)
These could be like endless quests in ESS

These smaller quests could give rewards in:
:small items

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shannon.9583


The heart quest system does feel rather sparse.

The event system is basically a copy of the Rift event system, just that Arena did a better job, its the same basic thing. It also has the same basic problem: a mass swarm of players that totally destroy any sense of immersion or challenge.

Having a bit more to do would be nice for sure. I like the quest system over all, it just needs a lot more variety. Right now its extremely limited and repetitive.

One thing they did right though, is the way you can just wander around and find it fun and profitable. I don’t want that to change, I just like how other MMOs had a lot more quests, lore, and story.

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xandos.8037


originally there were going to be no hearts. They gust added them to give new players a sense of direction. You’re meant to run around have fun exploring crafting taking part in events that happen as you go.

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


originally there were going to be no hearts. They gust added them to give new players a sense of direction. You’re meant to run around have fun exploring crafting taking part in events that happen as you go.

Couldn’t have said it better myself, hearts are only an incentive to go exploring but are by no means the bulk of content in the game, also when you finish a DE stick around follow the main DE NPC it will lead to better DE’s and surprises far to many people finish an event and run off.

Also seriously do NOT compare DE’s to a crappy Rift invasion please !
I played rift and an invasion is a farcry from a Dynamic Event !!!!

A rift invasion does not care if you participate or not it has no impact on the world and it has no failure / success state also it does not have branches in it where a number of things can happen depending on what you did in the previous event or if you failed it !!!!

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


The heart quest system does feel rather sparse.

The event system is basically a copy of the Rift event system, just that Arena did a better job, its the same basic thing. It also has the same basic problem: a mass swarm of players that totally destroy any sense of immersion or challenge.

Having a bit more to do would be nice for sure. I like the quest system over all, it just needs a lot more variety. Right now its extremely limited and repetitive.

One thing they did right though, is the way you can just wander around and find it fun and profitable. I don’t want that to change, I just like how other MMOs had a lot more quests, lore, and story.

The only mmo that can even come close to having as much lore and quests as GW2 is WoW no other mmorpg has as muich lore or quests LOL, there are 1600 dynamic events in this game do you seriously think we’ve seen them all in 3 weeks ? Don’t just go from heart to heart thinking those are quest hubs or whatever, they were only put in place to help you to get you to explore.

Most people run off to the next heart missing out on a ton of content. I’m lv60 and have yet to see 80% of the DE’s out there in the game, I haven’t even faced the shatterer or tequatel yet.

I hope in the near future they decide to take those stupid hearts out they do more harm than good, case and point people think those are the bulk of the content in GW2 what a pity, stop thinking like an automaton get out of the linear mindset that has been imposed on you for 7 years and explore !

(edited by Latinkuro.9420)

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tajah.8142


After you are done with the heart, you can farm for the rare crafting mats that drop off the mobs in the area. You could also repeat dynamic events to build up your karma.

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After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: poot.5487


The hearts definitely don’t jibe with ANet’s Manifesto, at all. Their existence demands constantly respawning objectives and enemies that stand around waiting to be activated, killed, or gathered. Nothing changes. Hearts also don’t play nice with DE’s. Succeed at too many DE’s in a zone, and completing certain hearts becomes much more difficult or time consuming because all the easy-kill enemies no longer have the run of the place.

Making something – anything! – change after a heart is completed would be a good compromise. Your ideas for it are solid. I’m just not sure hearts belong in this game in the first place. They’re a refinement on quest hubs when quest hubs were supposedly on their way out the door completely and forevermore.

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


I wish they would give us a way to “remember” what we did at hearts after finishing them.

Sometimes I will do an event near a heart I haven’t started and when I finish that, the entire heart is finished too. What the hell!? There are some hearts that I haven’t even got to actually do because of this. And when you finish a heart, it takes away the secondary text that says “Help this person by doing X or Y or Z etc.” I wish they would add an extra option to all heart NPCs that says something like “Remind me who you are again” or “Relive the past” where you can do hearts again, but you don’t get a reward (or very little) after. This would be no different than GW1, where you can “relive” the events that happened in Tyria on Nightfall characters and the Scrying Pool.

After filling a heart, what is their left to do in the area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Removing the hearts and maybe replacing it with a plain symbol for DE NPC. With the level range or what level your downgraded to in text.

I still think the game seems to be missing some small things.