Aggro priority to ranged players

Aggro priority to ranged players

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


Right now mobs target the closest player with the highest armor. Problem is when i get in a pug group where everyone is ranging from max range dealing 10x less dps than me but i have to dodge all the attacks while they just range from safety. This is wrong.
The priority should be on the players furthest behind and lowest dps.
This is only a problem in pug groups and you usually never find out until you make some progress in the dungeon.

Aggro priority to ranged players

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Actually, the priority should be on the player dealing the most damage or healing the group for the most amount of HP. Another alternative would be to who has been doing the most burst damage, even if said person isn’t doing the most DPS. Also . . . how do you know those people are doing 10x less DPS than you?

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
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Aggro priority to ranged players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


The priority is on the guy with the highest toughness, as far as my experience goes, not the one who deals most damage, unless PVT staff necros do more damage at lupi than a full zerk warrior/ele meleeing lupi

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

Aggro priority to ranged players

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


Actually, the priority should be on the player dealing the most damage or healing the group for the most amount of HP. Another alternative would be to who has been doing the most burst damage, even if said person isn’t doing the most DPS. Also . . . how do you know those people are doing 10x less DPS than you?

I was exaggerating a little bit but i was doing fotm yesterday. We 3 guards 2 wars. We were at swamp fractal. All the other ones were using ranged. all the guards were using scepter, the other warrior were using rifle. and they kept killing the wolves when i told them not to. I had aggro all the time nonestop, the only time the others died where when they were ressing me. The particle effect from Virtue of Justice made it impossible to see when he was throwing his axe at me. I died 3 times on only this fractal because of that. When all the other guys were doing was just autoattacking and randomly hitting wall of reflection. But i do know i did more dps because when i hitted 27k on mossman his health dropped a lot. When they attacked you saw no difference. I could do the same as them and just autoattack with rifle so another poor guy gets all the aggro. 1) I prefer melee 2) its faster.
Anet i this is a bad idea then could we please get a option to disable all particle effects?

Aggro priority to ranged players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I think aggro instantly shifts to thieves because anet hates them.