(edited by Ashadow.6874)
The cost of getting a Legendary weapon alone, is tremendous. Yet they themselves remain “Soulbound of Use.”
Legendary items should be Account Bound on Use. Not “Soulbound on Use.”
Gems will cost you 50$ USD for 4,000 gems (use for reference further down)
Cost of a Legendary set of weapon for characters by amount, at 1,750g (approx.):
1 set (1 character, both slots 2 handed): 3,500g (gem -> gold conversion: 48,477 gems)
1 set (1 character, both slots 1 handed): 7,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 96,954 gems)
1 set (1 character, 2x 1 handed (slot 1), 1x 2 handed (slot 2): 5,250g (gem -> gold conversion: 72,715.5 gems)
2 sets (2 characters, both slots 2 handed): 7,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 96,954 gems)
2 sets (2 characters, both slots 1 handed): 14,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 193,908 gems)
2 sets (2 characters, 2x 1 handed (slot 1), 2x 2 handed (slot 2) 10,500g (gem -> gold conversion: 145,431 gems)
3 sets (1 character, both slots 2 handed): 10,500g (gem -> gold conversion: 145,431 gems)
3 sets (1 character, both slots 1 handed): 21,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 290,862 gems)
3 sets (1 character, 2x 1 handed (slot 1), 1x 2 handed (slot 2): 15,750g (gem -> gold conversion: 218,146.5 gems)
4 sets (1 character, both slots 2 handed): 14,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 193,908 gems)
4 sets (1 character, both slots 1 handed): 28,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 387,816 gems)
4 sets (1 character, 2x 1 handed (slot 1), 1x 2 handed (slot 2): 21,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 290,862 gems)
5 sets (1 character, both slots 2 handed): 17,500g (gem -> gold conversion: 242,385 gems)
5 sets (1 character, both slots 1 handed): 35,000g (gem -> gold conversion: 484,770 gems)
5 sets (1 character, 2x 1 handed (slot 1), 1x 2 handed (slot 2): 26,250g (gem -> gold conversion: 363,577.5 gems)
This is what happens when you decide you want Legendary weapons for more than one character. ONLY Legendary items, and this is being allowed to happen to the playerbase.
Now, wrap your head around what a full set of Legendary Weapons, Armor and Accessories and then Back Pieces, is going to cost you to continue playing GW2 if you want to reliably play more than one character.
Is this reasonable for endgame items?
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
You just listed all the wrong reasons that legendaries should be account bound and backed them up with tedious calculations.
Everything in the game should be account bound.
Unless there’s something I’m missing where this would be a bad idea.
Maybe armor and non-legendary weapons, but other than that..
Gear is always soulbound on use or not bound at all, cannot remember of any examples from other MMORPG proving otherwise.
Nice try though I understand your idea of having 5 legendaries for the price of one
Gear is always soulbound on use or not bound at all, cannot remember of any examples from other MMORPG proving otherwise.
Nice try though
I understand your idea of having 5 legendaries for the price of one
Minus the fact that you’d be having to swap it every single time you want to use it on a new char.
Can’t you transmute to transfer it anyway?
Should put an item in the store that lets you make something account bound (SbOU) again.
Gear is always soulbound on use or not bound at all, cannot remember of any examples from other MMORPG proving otherwise.
We currently have certain backitems that are account bound. Granted, they were account bound from the start, but they still remain useable by all characters. Also, just because no other game does something does not mean this one could not.
Now, I would never, ever put real money into buying a weapon. However, I would probably work on more of them, if they were useable by all the characters that can use that type of equipment. I have 10 characters, so anyone who has actually gathered all the necessary bits for a legendary, can probably understand why I have no interest in trying to get everyone equipped with one, or heaven forbid, more than one, legendary.
If they were account bound, I think I’d like to go after one of each type though.
Legendary weapons must be account bound and require more gameplay effort instead of being gold/in-game money heavy. Because no one I know buy their legendary with gem to gold conversion, they buy gold from 3rd party sellers. Arenanet should improve their measures against 3rd party sellers and/or make legendary weapons non-tradeable.
The counter argument is that if you made them account bound, everyone would pick the one they could use on the most characters and you would see a lot more of Bolt and Bifrost and Sunrise and a lot less Juggernaut and Dreamer.
This would distort the market and drive the price of those precursors even higher.
It would also have the effect of making a legendary more common as once you had one on your account, you could show it off on any character that could use it. This seems like the benefit you’re looking for, but it would make them more common and require less consideration and thought when making one.
The fact that they are stat selectable is a HUGE advantage and that feature alone justified keeping them soul-bound in my opinion.
OP, the reason they will never do this is in your own data.
26,250g is approximately $14,500US (using current data from gw2spidy on gold → US$ value of $0.55 per gold)
Legendaries are a cash cow for Anet, and they won’t give up that significant source of income.
My reasoning, is that I have the most fun playing multiple types of characters. In fact, I would probably work a lot harder (read: grind) to get different Legendaries, if I knew I could reliably play all of my characters, and not have to get them each one.
I love playing an Engineer, an Elementalist, a Thief, and recently a Warrior. Most of their main weapon types are different.
But say I decide that I’d like to play around with a Guardian for a while. I could grind 2,000 more hours to get both my Warrior or my Guardian a Legendary Greatsword, but I likely never will. Or I could borrow my Ele’s Staff and bring it over to my Guardian.
I would have more fun building the 8-9 Legendaries I would use, because I could swap them over to a new character and try playing something I normally wouldn’t. Without fearing that I would have to gear it all up with Ascended Weapons, for no reason, when I already have Legendaries (which took considerably more effort to get.)
It has nothing to do with “showing it off” but more to do with my ability to enjoy the game. Being able to take my time to get a Legendary, and then being able to share it with other characters on my account (or if I decide for some odd reason I want both a Charr Guardian, a Sylvari Guardian and a Asura Guardian) that I can be free to do so.
Thus my incentive to have 3 different Guardians (which will make me buy 3x Character Slots at 800 gems each) will be greatly heightened.
Heck. Sell me an item that turns my Legendary into “Account Bound on Use” for 4,000 gems. There you go. (4,000 × 6 (ring/necklace/earrings/backslot) + 4,000 × 18 (heavy, medium, light) = 96,000 gems to “Account Bound on Use” a full set of Legendary Armor of each type, and 1 set of all the accessories. Then each weapon costs 4,000 more each.)
At least THAT would be attainable someday. The current prices for Legendary Weapons, and then trying to figure out how to do that with Armors/Accessories now is mind numbing to the extreme.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
All soul bound items should be account bound.
Gear is always soulbound on use or not bound at all, cannot remember of any examples from other MMORPG proving otherwise.
Nice try though
I understand your idea of having 5 legendaries for the price of one
Ships / weapons / anything in Eve Online aren’t bound to a character, and can be swapped about and be stolen by other characters if left unattended somewhere silly
Ships / weapons / anything in Eve Online aren’t bound to a character, and can be swapped about and be stolen by other characters if left unattended somewhere silly
I wouldn’t know a thing about stealing an Orca ..er.. ship.
The problem there is that Eve is a sub game. The only reason Anet messes around with soul-bound items is because of their obsession with monetizing every last aspect of the game. Soul-binding results in more money transactions in game which they can tax or make direct cash off of (gem purchases for buying transmutation stones, etc.).
/Signed! Please Anet…
Honestly I think there is more incentive to make legendary items account bound. Making them account bound, yes, will allow you to use it on multiple characters (I don’t know many who just enjoy one solitary class and not enjoy a change every so often) but it also stands to reason as to why just stop at making just one then? I myself enjoy 3 different classes (mes, guard, war) out of those 3 all of them can use Greatsword and Sword so why not make both if you like them? Two can use mace, hammer, and shield (war, guard) maybe I’d make the hammer for them. Two can use scepter and focus (mes, guard), the focus looks a lot better now maybe I’d want to make and use that one. The point is allowing legendary items to be account bound would be worth while to make and use them rather than just sell them off or not make them at all. It should be about being able to enjoy using them on all the different classes you have and not continually have to stay on that one class just to enjoy the legendary you made. I know they made the trans splitter to allow us to switch them between characters but this just seems… like a low blow and just feels disappointing that they’re constantly looking for ways to gain more money now than looking at the long term of their player base.
I’d love to see them account bound. Along with most everything else. Soulbound is a garbage way to cause more gold sink and further artificially extend this game’s life for the sake of repeatedly grinding out the same or very similar items over and over.
We need gold sinks. As it stands there’s now a lot more gold around since the past couple of patches than should have been allowed. Legendary items is understandable to make account bound considering the amount of time and effort (if you’re one of the ones that actually tries to make it then use a credit card) to make than other soulbound items. Exotics don’t need to be account bound there are plenty of them around for decent prices or cheaper if you fight in dungeons (though I don’t agree with the account bound chest with 40 tokens which should have stayed character bound). The same with ascended weapons even though it would have been nice for them to be account bound a couple weeks to make one is not so bad and the prices for mats to upgrade your craft and make the weps will drop in due time. Legendary weps on the other hand are unique. I’m not saying that you don’t see them everywhere, just that they take a whole lot more effort, time and money to make than rare, exotic, or ascended gear. It is not too much to ask for legendary weapons to be account bound. Plenty of people, including myself, want to be able to thoroughly enjoy these weapons on all the characters we are able to use them on and not just stick with the one same character.
People love variety. We love different types of food, different types of music, different types of games or movies, so it’s not too much to allow us to use our legendary weapons on the different characters, and classes, and races that you have made for us to enjoy. I mean that is why you made all these races playable right? To enjoy the different ways each race uses a weapon in their respective class. To enjoy how those weapons look when they hold them. Otherwise why did you not just stick to just humans as the only playable race?
(edited by PlagueParade.7942)
Moved to the suggetions forum.. Hmm, I heard Anet said they read every single thread here and discuss it. Is this good or bad?!
Gold sinks have always seemed like an excuse to me for a game to be more about acquiring gear than using it.
Ships / weapons / anything in Eve Online aren’t bound to a character, and can be swapped about and be stolen by other characters if left unattended somewhere silly
I wouldn’t know a thing about stealing an Orca ..er.. ship.
The problem there is that Eve is a sub game. The only reason Anet messes around with soul-bound items is because of their obsession with monetizing every last aspect of the game. Soul-binding results in more money transactions in game which they can tax or make direct cash off of (gem purchases for buying transmutation stones, etc.).
guild wars is waving at you, there you can get all the weapons from anyone and doesn’t soulbound or account bound even after you equipped it.
i keep saying this, GW2 is what makes GW1 so good, none of the mistakes are in there.
No I am arguing that based on the time investment necessary to even buy (let alone actually farm like a legitimate player) is so staggeringly high to get a Legendary.
That not even in scenarios like trying to “buy your way to the top” are even remotely possible.
What I am arguing is that requiring us to not be able to use a Legendary Weapon on more than one character, will not even benefit Anet finances, because it is not even feasible that your average gamer would spend that much money on getting a Legendary for every character they own.
However, if Anet would allow us (even through a Gem Store upgrade) to “Account Bound on Use” Legendary items. Then it is highly more likely, that people would purchase said Gem Store upgrade, to be able to wield all of their Legendary items, on multiple characters — then it ever would be for them to buy enough gems to make multiple of the same Legendary for multiple characters.
By this, not only is it more reasonable for players to have “Account Bound on Use” Legendaries. It would in fact become more profitable for Anet to allow us to buy an upgrade to do this with.
So it no longer becomes a “Which is more reasonably profitable for who.” It becomes “better for both the player and company.”
I am not even asking for it for free. I am asking to be able to change every Legendary I get in game, to “Account Bound on Use.”
And if you think of it in these terms. A full set of Legendary gear for a single character = 3-4 weapons, a set of 6 armor pieces, 6 accessories (including back piece), totaling =
4 weapons
6 armor pieces
6 accessories (back included), or
16 total pieces at 2-4,000 gems an upgrade
32,000 -> 64,000 gems
That would not even be counting more than 4 weapon types, or multiple armor types (heavy, medium, light.)
Of course I would much prefer Legendaries being “Account Bound on Use” for free. But if it takes paying some small fee to be able to unlock the ability to do so, I can guarantee you most players would pay it rather than build four more of the exact same weapon for other characters.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
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