All Soulbinding should be Account, not Character.

All Soulbinding should be Account, not Character.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shriketalon.1937


Good evening. I have a simple suggestion.

Nothing should be character bound. All bindings should be for the account.

Plain enough. There is no reason to bind to character, and the inconvenience it puts on the players does not provide any advantage for the game. If someone forges a legendary weapon, they should be able to shuffle it around to any character that can use it. If someone gathers items for a heart quest, there’s no harm done if they bank it over to another character for when they do that same activity. There’s nothing wrong with sharing gathering tools, or karma recipes, or any other feature in the game.

At the end of the day, it’s all time and effort spent by one person. It shouldn’t matter which character they play, and restricting items earned by that player makes no sense whatsoever.

Thus, the suggestion. Eliminate character binding. Always use account binding instead. Thoughts?

All Soulbinding should be Account, not Character.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Actually there is a reason for this: Soul binding requires the player to spend more time/gold/gems/karma/glory to get what they want on what character they want. This does several things:

  • it stimulates the player driven economy in the TP
  • it stimulates the gem store purchases, which in turn stimulates ANet…heh.
  • it gets people playing/trading more in groups and guilds.

Take dyes for example: If I buy dye from the gem store and it were account bound, ANet would be out a lot more money than the current system. Soon the entire dye market on the TP would dry up, since everyone would have all the dye rather quickly. This same reasoning can be applied to other soul bound items.