All these bugged skill challenges..

All these bugged skill challenges..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gurpsmeister.9068


All the bugged skill challenges that keep happening reset after reset are all the fighting ones. At this point simply resetting them so that they work for a small while and then bug out again is just frustrating us more. Why not alter them all to just be channeled skill points like the rest? Would certainly make them not bug out until you can actually solve the problem eh?

All these bugged skill challenges..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phy.2913


Maybe set them to have an internal reset. If I activate one but don’t finish it/die/leave for some reason it sits there until someone comes along and kills it. A lot of times the enemy bugs out or glitches into the wall making it impossible to finish it. If the enemy is inactive for 5 minutes despawn it and reset the challenge.

All these bugged skill challenges..

in Suggestions

Posted by: phooka.4295


Maybe set them to have an internal reset. If I activate one but don’t finish it/die/leave for some reason it sits there until someone comes along and kills it. A lot of times the enemy bugs out or glitches into the wall making it impossible to finish it. If the enemy is inactive for 5 minutes despawn it and reset the challenge.

Nice solution, but… sorry, busy implementing some mechanic to punish players for having fun in some way that was not predetermined by ANet. Implementing that mechanic has priority. Please propose the solution again in a few months.

However, maybe we can implement some sort of diminishing returns on skill challenges. After you did 3 in a day, you’re not being rewarded any more skillpoints for 3 hours or so. Do the non-bugged ones, you won’t be able to find more than 3 in a day anyway unless you’re using exploits or you’re a skillpoint-grinder, and noone likes grind, right?

BRB, busy implementing a new idea.

All these bugged skill challenges..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Terrant.2903


Maybe set them to have an internal reset. If I activate one but don’t finish it/die/leave for some reason it sits there until someone comes along and kills it. A lot of times the enemy bugs out or glitches into the wall making it impossible to finish it. If the enemy is inactive for 5 minutes despawn it and reset the challenge.

Nice solution, but… sorry, busy implementing some mechanic to punish players for having fun in some way that was not predetermined by ANet. Implementing that mechanic has priority. Please propose the solution again in a few months.

However, maybe we can implement some sort of diminishing returns on skill challenges. After you did 3 in a day, you’re not being rewarded any more skillpoints for 3 hours or so. Do the non-bugged ones, you won’t be able to find more than 3 in a day anyway unless you’re using exploits or you’re a skillpoint-grinder, and noone likes grind, right?

BRB, busy implementing a new idea.

What, mad because you can’t do 10 minute speed runs of one boss and stock up tokens without actually doing a dungeon anymore? Sigh.

Leaving that topic aside, I’m curious to the OP as to what skill challenges and what server. Since Tuesday’s patch every single challenge that was broke on my server that I have tried has worked. I have not admittedly gotten to test the infamous one in Melchor’s Leap, but all the others that were styming me were fixed.

That aside as well…I commend the “internal reset” suggestion. A Skill Challenge mob that was engaged and not killed within x minutes resets and respawns. Awesome.

All these bugged skill challenges..

in Suggestions

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Maybe set them to have an internal reset. If I activate one but don’t finish it/die/leave for some reason it sits there until someone comes along and kills it. A lot of times the enemy bugs out or glitches into the wall making it impossible to finish it. If the enemy is inactive for 5 minutes despawn it and reset the challenge.

Nice solution, but… sorry, busy implementing some mechanic to punish players for having fun in some way that was not predetermined by ANet. Implementing that mechanic has priority. Please propose the solution again in a few months.

However, maybe we can implement some sort of diminishing returns on skill challenges. After you did 3 in a day, you’re not being rewarded any more skillpoints for 3 hours or so. Do the non-bugged ones, you won’t be able to find more than 3 in a day anyway unless you’re using exploits or you’re a skillpoint-grinder, and noone likes grind, right?

BRB, busy implementing a new idea.

Rather than being a sarcastic dissatisfied gamer you could channel your frustrations into another game that suits your needs.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.
