Allow all alternate skillsets...

Allow all alternate skillsets...

in Suggestions

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


…To be viewed before obtaining the skillset.

I don’t understand what the intended method for learning what skills on your bar are when you only get to view them for 20 seconds.

Ex. -Guardians tomes, I still have no idea what one of the two does and it took me 4 months before I figured out one had quickness (I never used it because I figured it was useless). How did I figure it out? I would use it randomly whenever I felt like it to read what the skills did, everytime waiting on the cool down.

-Mesmer transformations, so one time I decided to do the obsidian sanctum JP. I made it all the way to the end but there was a group guarding the last section. Four to be exact. Knowing it was unlikely I could walk past them even as a thief, I decided to try and pick them off. Needless to say I got into a fight with a mesmer and was transformed into a moa. I began to panic, not knowing what any of the skills did I hit them randomly until I noticed skill 5. It had the shape of a wing and so I hit it thinking it was an escape skill.

It ran me straight off the cliff…

…but I lived.

Is this really the way to learn how to use these skills? Do or die situations where you hit buttons randomly because there isn’t enough time to read them.

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.