Allow removal of followers/fix blocking.

Allow removal of followers/fix blocking.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Michael Fejervary.8576

Michael Fejervary.8576

There are seven options when you right click on a person in any of the contact windows and not one of them allows us to remove our account from a follower.

This wouldn’t be such a big issue if this game was programmed to break all friendships on blocking a player (as other games do) as you could block and then unblock them to get them off the lists, but even that is not ideal as being able to right click on a follower and click “Remove Follower”.

No instead you block someone and then clear you block list later and they are all back in your friends or followers, and that makes sense why? In case of accidental block, but even then give a confirmation window on unblock asking if the person wants them added back to friends/followers/or all contact broken.

It is frustrating having to deal with account names in lists that are just permanently there now due to various issues, such as, refunded accounts.

Allow removal of followers/fix blocking.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JeffHardisty.1926


Correct me if I’m wrong but followers are people that have you added to thier friend list who you don’t have in your friends list. So I don’t think anet is going to let you edit other peoples friends lists. Currently your options are: keep them blocked, message the person asking them to removed you from thier friends list, or just ignore the follower list.

I suppose one option that they might be able to do is give you the option to hide them in the list you see by storing a list of people you want hidden on your computer then just hiding them locally (I don’t think they would want to waste server space after all), but the follower will still be able see when you are logged in etc


Allow removal of followers/fix blocking.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Michael Fejervary.8576

Michael Fejervary.8576

That’s good and all, but in the end it comes down to allowing us to have control over our privacy so yes ArenaNet should allow their players the choice (as many other games do) of who they remain friends with or allow to follow them.

I appreciate your effort, but they are not feasible to fixing the issues with blocked accounts (why would you want to chat with a person you blocked anyway), inactive accounts (players been gone for over 3 months and not coming back), and refunded accounts (can’t interact with these at all) being stuck forever on your contact window lists.

Blocking a follower doesn’t fix the issues, and boy do I ever have a very big issue with the whole blocking feature in this game as its pointless and useless other than preventing people from contacting you through chat/mail.

The blocking system is a complete JOKE.

At the moment our family has a few REAL LIFE FRIENDS that we are no longer friends with (and no chance at that ever being reversed), but blocking them does not break the friendship so you still remain on their friends list where they can still see everything about you in full detail as if they were never being blocked.

Yes, I have confirmed this by blocking my wife, and she was still able to see my status, my points, the second I changed characters and where I was at, etc.

Sorry, that’s not just something that can be hidden or ignored. It needs to be fixed, and the fix is INSTANT REMOVAL from the blocked persons lists.

Giving us an option to right click on a person in the follower list and click “Remove Follower” so that your removed from their list is also needed (for various reasons), and in the end no different than any other game that makes you confirm a friend while removing both you and them from each others list when unfriended.