Allow us to Buy Collectible Storage Upgrade

Allow us to Buy Collectible Storage Upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayshua.5068


I would buy “in a heartbeat” a Collectible Storage Upgrade so we could store say 500 per stack instead of 250.

Allow us to Buy Collectible Storage Upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: BananaMatrix.3702


Great idea! Same here! Not to mention a bank storage upgrade, if there isn’t one already? I admit I haven’t really had a proper look. Put them on the gem store, please! I would love an excuse to support this game by buying something off there, but so far nothing has piqued my interests.

Allow us to Buy Collectible Storage Upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: wormbuffet.8619


Same, even though I craft a lot already, it’s starting to fill up and I want to keep everything so I can get the other crafts up.

@BananaMatrix You can already get bank storage upgrades for 600 gems each.

Allow us to Buy Collectible Storage Upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marrond.1385


Idea is great although I believe it should be INCLUDED into current storage upgrade. I mean you have basic 1 storage and 250 for collectibles, right? So you buy upgrade for your storage and you receive another box as well as ANOTHER 250 for collectibles which result in stacks of 500 (or if this is problematic and stacks are fixed to max 250 in the game then another tab of collectibles and so on)