Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rimarlk.1529


In other mmo’s you are able to see what a piece of armor looks like before you buy it so you know just exactly what you’re character will look like. I have like 30 transmofigry (spelling?) stones and I currently don’t like the look of the max level armor I have, but I’m not about to buy up the entire TP worth of armor to find pieces whose look I like…This is a pretty basic feature.

Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


this is “on the works”

Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sern.6054


Maybe I’m misunderstanding the topic but aren’t you already able to preview armor before buying through right clicking on the piece and then clicking “preview?” I’ve done this myself to see how karma items look but I don’t recall if I tried it on armor or if it was just on weapons.

I know you can preview weapons but I suppose I haven’t tried armor. If you can preview weapons but not armor, that’s just weird..

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Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nevarato.3178


Maybe I’m misunderstanding the topic but aren’t you already able to preview armor before buying through right clicking on the piece and then clicking “preview?” I’ve done this myself to see how karma items look but I don’t recall if I tried it on armor or if it was just on weapons.

I know you can preview weapons but I suppose I haven’t tried armor. If you can preview weapons but not armor, that’s just weird..

They mean previewing on the Trading Post (TP), which is currently unavailable. But it is in the works. (or so i’m told)

Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rimarlk.1529


Maybe I’m misunderstanding the topic but aren’t you already able to preview armor before buying through right clicking on the piece and then clicking “preview?” I’ve done this myself to see how karma items look but I don’t recall if I tried it on armor or if it was just on weapons.

I know you can preview weapons but I suppose I haven’t tried armor. If you can preview weapons but not armor, that’s just weird..

They mean previewing on the Trading Post (TP), which is currently unavailable. But it is in the works. (or so i’m told)

Do you have a quote on that?

Allow us to view what armor looks like on us before we put it on

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThatTallGuyX.3058


Level 80