Alternative Magic Find.

Alternative Magic Find.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dante.1508


Hi all,

I’ve noticed a lot of players complaining about Magic Find on Armor, stating that it lowers your effectiveness in combat and letting your team down, while i understand you lose a stat on each piece of gear and running magic find with sigils would hinder your dps..

My suggestion is why not add magic find too Mini Pets, Mini Pets have varying degrees of types, blue, green, Rare etc, each type of Mini Pet could have a standard percentage 20% 40 % 60% etc.. This would give players a reason to use them and make them more sought after, especially exotic ones.

A second Suggestion could be Titles add Magic Find (difficulty of Titles to get gives varying degrees of Magic Find).

These suggestions would help in my opinion to remove the Magic Find from Armor (and keep players happy) and still give players the exact same amount of MF to use.

Thanks for reading.

Alternative Magic Find.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Felicela.2810


Honestly defeats the purpose, its a trade off, you give up DPS or survivability in order to get a chance at better gear(if RNG doesnt hate you).

I think its to easy if you dont have to give up something for it.

Alternative Magic Find.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dante.1508


Honestly defeats the purpose, its a trade off, you give up DPS or survivability in order to get a chance at better gear(if RNG doesnt hate you).

I think its to easy if you dont have to give up something for it.

Considering MF is all RNG anyway i don’t see how other forms of MF are not giving up something for it. It gives the MF a separate mechanic, so players don’t diminish their teams viability..