Amulets + accessories: Add to fractal vendor

Amulets + accessories: Add to fractal vendor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Folk.2093


Here’s your suggestion, now get to it. Can’t believe this wasn’t added in the first place….jeeez


Amulets + accessories: Add to fractal vendor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxyn.9608


Before amulets and accessories were made available, the max AR one could obtain was 30. This let a player comfortably obtain 3 Pristine Relics per day.

An amulet is supposed to take about a month to obtain, so add them to the Pristine Relic vendor at a cost of 60~ Relics. Seems fair to me.

As for the accessories, I would add a chance to obtain them from the 40-49 daily chest. Remove the Infused ring chance from this tier. Also add them to the Pristine Relic vendor at a cost of 40~ Relics + 50 Ectos each.

That’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure it could be tweaked.

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Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng