- ArenaNet wants a new item tier that is harder to get than Exotic and better. Some people want that too.
- Some people are annoying about having to refarm more gear and the waste that was the now useless exotic sets they got
It IS possible for them to create the Ascended tier set without annoying half their player base in the process. They need to make Ascended items better than Exotics, but without giving them better stats. And they need to make it so that players don’t feel like they got scammed buying their current Exotics.
Step 1 : ascended items do not cause all exotics to lose their value
- provide a fluid upgrade path for any current level 80 exotic to Ascended category.
- make it so that every single Ascended item in the game comes from such upgrade path. The Ascended item created will be mostly identical to the base Exotic used except that part where the jewelry loses the gem slot.
With that part, you can contend everyone that felt like they are losing their hard work getting Exotics by making it a required step to reach that new item tier. Now, all the old content isn’t obsolete at all.
Step 2 : ascended items do not obsolete the exotics stat wise
- Ascended items have the same stats as exotics so that nobody feels like some required gear treadmill was added. But then, why bother getting Ascended items?
Step 3 : they have the same stats, but they are better anyway
- The new dungeon requires infusions only if you want to go into repeat mode on them no? You can still farm them all just by repeating difficulty level 0 instead of increasing it at each pass? Infusion would be only required for players that want to go as far as they can. Only Ascended items can get infusion.
- Problem : will that be enough to content the treadmill addicts? Good question. Need to add some kind of reward for going deeper and deeper I guess, but not something people feel like they’ll be missing on it by not doing them. Maybe increasing the money and karma reward the deeper you are?
- Even that might not be enough? There are ways to make Ascended items far better than Exotics without power creep.
- Maybe make it so that Ascended items can have their rune/sigil removed without breaking anything?
- Even better, make it so that you can insert a new stat set into any Ascended item without having to farm a new one. Example, buy from the TP from a crafter a stack of “Berzerker Insigna” for a moderate price, apply them to your Ascended gear and now, it’s got Power/Precition/Crit Damage stats. Want some defensive values now? Use the “Invader Insigna” you bought for a couple WvWvW tokens and bam, Power/Toughness/Vitality gear.
And if you got other ideas, feel free to mention them. Something about the ability to move armor skins around without losing items maybe?