An additional dye feature
At least you don’t have yellow under garmants.
While I love to be able to customise my characters’ appearences to the very last detail, why on earth do you need them so… exposed?
Is what I was going to say until I read:
At least you don’t have yellow under garmants.
Please let us dye them. I hate seeing the yellow ones when I’m transmuting my armour.
I’d like to further expand dye suggestions by asking:
Will higher tiers of dyes ever be available?
(For example: exotic- introduces various applicable patterns; legendary-particle effects such as magma/lava, mist, or a slight glow)
And will dyes ever be able to be applied to weapons?
Personally I miss being able to have creative control over how my weapon’s cosmetics meshes with the rest of my character.
Dying weapons would be fine, but we don’t need special effects everywhere. I say keep patterns and effects tied to the actual item skins; and even then to a minimum.
Perhaps more armors with effects like the CoF to take over that role then?