An idea
Hia forums. So today I was thinking about the lack of level 80 areas, Yes, we do have Cursed Shore, but I really have no desire to go there. Then I remembered how GW1 offered hard mode, which pretty much buffed all the guys in lower end areas to higher areas. I’m not sure how, but if A-net could implement a feature like this to the players, it would be a great way to not only have to go to Cursed Shore for better loot and harder challenges.
TL;DR – Game should have GW1’s Hard Mode for Low end area with harder enemies/better loot.
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That could work. Content updates will help this as well. My main problem is there isn’t enough as far as “rare” loot drops to make the skinner box run properly. Hard to get excited when the very “best” thing that can drop is only going to be equal to that which I can already craft. Very little motivation to PvE when you’ve already got all your gear completed really.
That could work. Content updates will help this as well. My main problem is there isn’t enough as far as “rare” loot drops to make the skinner box run properly. Hard to get excited when the very “best” thing that can drop is only going to be equal to that which I can already craft. Very little motivation to PvE when you’ve already got all your gear completed really.
They already got some pretty good gear in the dungeons, including some stat combinations that you cannot really get otherwise.
Because let’s be honest, adding the best gear to be only droppable as rares would result in a massive grind fest. And as much as I hate to quote the fanboys, that kinda goes against what GW2 is standing for right now: There is no grind fest.
If anything, I am extremely happy that you can craft gear that is nearly or exactly the equivalent to the best gear that you can farm. The previous MMORPG that I played had the best gear only available with RL cash and it tookittenerally years for them to put in a gear set that was farmable and comparable. And even then they made it strictly farmable, meaning you had to do the dungeon runs to get it. Which screwed me over, since I dislike running dungeons endlessly.
But as for a hard mode, that’s kinda a weird thing. We already have level downscaling, which means every area is roughly equally difficult when you first get there. Of course, as you level higher and get more traits, you obviously start being superior to the area. I don’t think we need to beef up the lower areas at all. Currently, I can only foresee that leading to allowing lower level area monsters to drop stuff at the level of your actual, non-downscaled level. That, in turn, would defeat the purpose of progressing to a new area. Why go to a new, more difficult area, when you can just take the easier route and get the same drops?
Also, there’s the problem that the current system works. One of the biggest upsides of the downscaling is that even if you significantly out-level your friends, you can still participate in their progress without ruining it by being higher level. And that right there is worth its weight in gold and then some, because there’s countless of cases where people get introduced to a game by a friend, only for them to later drop it because said friend cannot really play with them: They’re a higher level so the only thing they would get out of it would be the social aspect. Of course, if you’ve somehow managed to do all the renown hearts, you end up with a similar situation, but it’s not nearly as bad, as there’s always dynamic events.
If anything, I would like them to beef up the renown heart system. Maybe make those rewards scale or allow completing them again for a different reward. Maybe make it so that you can repeat the renown heart for a small portion of the previous reward?