An idea for dungeons
Or they could remove de-aggro for dungeons & problem would be solved. if mobs followed you throughout the entire dungeon, skipping would not be possible.
The issue in that is you are forcing everyone to fight all trash in the dungeon. Yet its is no more rewarding than currently.
The point of my idea was along the following lines:
optional fights —>
additional magic find (it really could be something else too but i like this one) —>
potentially better drops for the rest of dungeon.
No one is forced to fight mobs, but groups that want can be somewhat rewarded for using more time in the dungeon.
Or you could swap into MF gear before you loot boss/open chest & still skip the mobs = faster run & more rewards over time until u cap DR.
Additional MF would be more beneficial if you farmed through the dungeon hoping to obtain more items from the many mobs (mostly trash) you will be clearing. MF works best when dealing with large number of kills.
Here is an idea give a reward for fighting trash in dungeons. Something along the lines of every mob has a 25% chance to drop a T6 mat, and as of right now you could pick a T6 mat for each dungeon.
Also to expand on what i said, the following is never a valid argument as to why it is a bad idea. It will destroy the X market.
I think we should have separate ways of making gold & by combining farming with dungeons starts to lose distinction. Dungeons should carry their own allure & uniqueness away from the rest of the game. 25% chance is also really high for mobs you’re killing in fairly large amount. Also for classes not dealing lot of aoe damage (I play guardian) that limits my drop chance if my warrior gets there 1st.
thinking about it more maybe put the 25% chance in for veteran mobs only and reduce the number of vets but increase the number of trash, and make trash mobs really trash mobs, as in the trash should be equivalent difficulty inside and outside of a dungeon in a given area. AC trash should only take a few hits to kill for an 80 base character. So running a dungeon path may net you 8 – 12 T6 mats if you kill everything. Which seeem’s reasonable given that for most dungeons if you run a path and kill everything it will probably take you at least an hour
also i dont look at getting the mats as a way to make money which is what many people would do i look at it as another way to help work towards mats needed for crafting both high level gear and legendaries