Ancient Karka should be a ~monthly event

Ancient Karka should be a ~monthly event

in Suggestions

Posted by: Armanant.1435


I would happily do the Ancient Karka event once a month for fun, even with a much more standardized reward chest (something like 2-3 dragon chests? Don’t really care too much here). If it is a monthly event then it wouldn’t happen too often so would keep the uniqueness.

I got d/c’d and couldn’t relog partway into the event, and though I’m bummed about missing the big fancy chest of oranges, I’m more saddened that I missed out on a sizable part of what sounded like a fun and epic event.

Ancient Karka should be a ~monthly event

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


This is why I just don’t care anymore. There were massive lags and issues with the NPCs. Why should I invest my time into their event if they can’t even have it working? Especially if its a 1 time event.