Annoyances in GW2

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


This is not a thread for things, that must be changesd, but only for annoying things making you crazy. Add more, if you also have ideas.

  1. AH, each time opening it, you switch back to the highest rider. I am searching for things in it, opening and closing it often, or i sell things there, opening it always with some time between the openings, but always aiming for the sell option. I would love, if the AH could stop switching (after opening, for may a second you see the wanted rider) and save the last time it was open.
  2. Portals on the Map would be a great help to see the entrance to the next map. I was already a few times running around not finding it^^.
  3. Colours while colarating your armor, you can change the order, but each time after relogging, you are back to the actual order -.-
  4. I dont want to buy complete armor-skin-sets from the AH, why not selling each peace alone for may 150, I want the top of the middle set, but then i had to throw the other parts away or have to set them in my bank, stealing place…
  5. Cant you create something like a lfg-beach like in GW1? Lions arch is overfilled because of FotM, because it is meetpoint, because you can reach it from the mists and while the mystic forge is there.
  6. How about a new mapchat? You see 4 things in the map-chat, blubbering between players (communication is a good thing, though i dislike the idiotic stuff i read sometimes…), asking questions/for help (for this the mapchat should be) and two things spammimg the chat full, annoying anyone: “lfg CM” and “event here!”… These last two should get an extra mapchat, so players searching for groups or events wont annoy others anymore and wont be annoyed by blbbering normal players.
  7. Port fees on the same map are far to high: 3 silver to travel to the other end of Tyria is hilariously cheap, 2s to travel to the other end of the map (also in a starter area) is not really cheap, nearly 2s to travel to the next waymark (if you die for example) is hilarious. To travel huge ways is luxus and because LA is in the middle and can be reached over the mists, the far away places are mostly high level area with expensive loot. Cant you overwork the waymark system to have some free waymarks (all in the bigger cities, one at the entrances of the orders) with fees increasing, so further the waymark is away from the next free one and so higher the areas level is?

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Claudius.5381


Great proposals.

Some of my own:

1. When I get in an overflow map show that in big orange letters like “New event nearby” when you get near an – guess what – event. Don’t popup a window which gets the focus and prevents me moving. Especially because this small window pops up rather late due to lags which in turn occurs because there are a lot of people online which led to the overflow…

2. Can I please look for only heavy armor?

3. It would be nice to have a list of events which are active in the current map. It should be optional at the right edge (you can call it up or hide it) and when you click on one of these events, the map opens showing the event circle.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vol.5241


So it’s a list of suggestions rather than annoyances? ;p

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Claudius.5381


It is a list of suggestions to deal with annoyances. Much more constructive than only to complain.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


  1. I dont want to buy complete armor-skin-sets from the AH, why not selling each peace alone for may 150, I want the top of the middle set, but then i had to throw the other parts away or have to set them in my bank, stealing place…

I’m not sure what you’re talking about since you can ONLY buy armor pieces individually on the trading post.

  1. How about a new mapchat? You see 4 things in the map-chat, blubbering between players (communication is a good thing, though i dislike the idiotic stuff i read sometimes…), asking questions/for help (for this the mapchat should be) and two things spammimg the chat full, annoying anyone: “lfg CM” and “event here!”… These last two should get an extra mapchat, so players searching for groups or events wont annoy others anymore and wont be annoyed by blbbering normal players.

You’d just get the same spam in two channels instead of one.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warruz.8096


Ok lets see here

1- Guild Mission’s when active need some sort of UI on the screen, not in the guild UI

2- Could we allow when using the trade post searching armor to narrow it down to Slot and Type, so you know say Exotic Heavy Pants.

3- Could the MF Remember recipes so i dont have to keep dragging things in multiple times or at the very least allow me to make my own, especially when doing clovers its annoying to keep dragging all 4 things in for the single chances.

4- Add SOMEwhere in your character UI your Fractal Level

5- A Camera Recenter Button

6- Allow me to organize my bags with some sort of grid system so i can create little areas of where to put like Food, Potions, Crafting Mats, Sell stuff.

7- Fix Fractals whole, PL leaves then you all get kicked.

Why was Crab Toss Removed? –

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I’m not sure what you’re talking about since you can ONLY buy armor pieces individually on the trading post.

He’s probably talking about the gemstore.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Half Tooth.1867

Half Tooth.1867

1) To see when a person last logged on and last represented hen you hover over their name in the guild tab.

2) The option to give higher ranking members a map icon so that within the guild you can see it but outside of the guild you cannot.

3) The option to see where all members of a guild are on the map (on map view only, not in the mini map)

4) To improve how Guild missions work and scale to the size of a guild (I’ve explained better here

5) To encourage players to use the other 5 cities, not just LA. I believe this can be done by allowing free travel to the m,ain city of your characters race (so all sylvari get free travel to the grove) I think this would also help with immersion and roleplaying, seeing mostly charr in Black Citidel and mostly humans in Divinities reach.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


@Iruwen: You are right.

Higher reward with higher level. The daylie gives 1s to new charakters and 5s to 80s. The earlier world-boss chest gave yellow stuff fitting for my players level, making the yellow thing worthless on lowlevels. Of yourse, complete new players would get too much and a lowlvl cant use a 75 yellow weapon, but I want thegolde, 4 silver less each dailie and a 1s ywllow instead of a 20s one sucks…

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


1. Gravity doesn’t seem to work consistently: On any class using a gun, or bow, “target out of range” should never occur if something is nearly straight down. I can DROP a friggen arrow and be certain it will hit the ground below, range is infinite in that direction. Targeted skills can miss but don’t tell me that range is an issue, especially for ground targeted skills (Ranger’s Barrage).

2. 5 target max on most AoE, but let 100 targets stack up in front of a melee player and watch the damage numbers fly. Either it’s 5 max always, or remove the cap entirely (my preference).

3. A reason to WvW as a server besides “scoreboard”. There is no sense of “team” on a server scale since there is nothing of value for the server to fight for and defend. If your server is losing (based on a pointless scoreboard which, frankly, should be removed), everyone just shrugs and stops playing because they know a reset isn’t too far off. Bring back an Orb type of mechanic with a buff system that is server wide and worth fighting for.

4. DR for ob XP/Loot needs to go. If I am happy sitting in a smallish area farming mobs why go out of your way to frustrate me? Let me play how I want to play.

5. This is just a pet peeve of my own, but…I hate playing in a group with the lack of any dedicated roles. I understand that breaking the trinity is something a lot of people like, but I personally hate it with a passion. As a result, I would rather get a root canal than do any group PvE content.

I recently came back after quite some time away, but with so many other MMOs on the market I can’t see the draw to GW2 given many of these items. Item 3 actually ended up making me resub to DAoC after many years away.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Karizee.8076


  1. Colours while colarating your armor, you can change the order, but each time after relogging, you are back to the actual order -.-

This is my new word….colarating.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


@Karizee: I am german, i cant speak your language, but the german Forums are too boring X3

  1. Weapons in armorpreview, they are annoying, especially, if you put them away in PvP and have to go again to PvP, because you can’t put them on in PvE.
  2. Weaponpreview previews only one weapon, I can’t test out, if two one-hand-weapons fit together.
  3. You can’t colerate (is this an existing word?^^) armorpieces one by one in the armorpreview and some pieces colerate horrible.
  4. Shopping armors is my biggest Hobby in GW2 (and GW1), but there are too many skirts for heavy and light armor and too less Pants (light inquestur female with a letherpant or example, also the vigiltop with ascalonpants on a male), rather decent gloves and shoes (also a foot-trinket istead of shoes would be nice) and no-mantle-tops for middle; there are a lot of very different styles, but i miss the styles of monk, mesmer, ranger and necro, no free stomach, stylish but not weird (t2 human female light or t3 norn female light.
  5. That I dont know, if i will see the Halloween-, Wintersday- and Adventure-Box a second time.
  6. That rewards are not saved, if i cant finish my monthlys in time, why not let me finish them in three month, this way even a casual with low time will always be able to get the reward chest sometimes.
  7. That I have to activate autoattack after transforming to a Norn-Form.
  8. That I dont attack automatically after switching into Death Shroud.
  9. That I cant switch recharging skills out of battle, only take over the recharge time and let me switch them.

(edited by Chris.6105)

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


Each time I go to the PvP-Locker… Cant you make Riders, one for weapons, one for armor and one or more for the rest. Especially do I also miss a function to sort them after type, Like watching all the Peacemaker weapons instead of watching all maces.

Furthermore, we now already, that races can wear all racial armor (Asura in Human t3, some others i dont remember, now new the sylvari in human t2), Why not at least allow us to wear them in PvP?

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris.6105


If I want to comby (one-handed) weapons, I cannot do so in the preview… At the same time, if combying armorpieces, the parts behave different with colours, even if from the same set. Furthermore, if two colours behave different, you can use often another colour, that looks nearly identical. So if a blue colour is darker on another armor piece, use a light blue and both armor pieces have the same blue. The problem here is again, that you cannot colourate pieces alone, so that you dont know, which two blue colours you need and to buy all blue colours is pretty expensive!

Also, why have you to give us armors with less than 4 colorateable parts, but with a non colorateable part?? Look at starter armor female light and medium: the light has these golden parts I cannot stand, the medium has green-blue jewels, that often do not fit to the colours i want to use for the armor.

Annoyances in GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Equilibriator.8741


the fact i cant change the colour of my weapons

the fact that dungeon paths all give same rewards but vary greatly in dificulty

the fact precursors are some distant dream because the price keeps rising and there is no fair way to earn them without mystic forge

the fact mini pets dont stay summoned when i swap over maps or wp, makes mini pets pointless to me as re-using the item constantly is a complete chore and easily forgettable.

the fact commanders get blocked from map chatting in wvw when they are obviously going to use the map to issue commands at a higher rate than most map chat users

the fact most items in this game are account bound or soul bound for little good reason

the fact there isnt team speak built into gw2

the fact I have a sore in my mouth and no matter how much i touch it, it keeps getting worse

the fact gw2lfg isnt built into gw2

the fact that the story rewards get pathetic pretty quick, got two lvl 80s an still not finished it from lack of interest (rather do something rewarding with my time)

the fact they made armour dyes character bound, they should be account bound or atleast i should have some kind of UI designed specifically for dye testing, like the same way you normally apply dyes, but every dye is available to preview.

the fact there is no specific search for back items in marketplace

the fact i can pay for extra bank space but im still limited to 250 for each craft item, they should go up as well.

the fact the 800 pricey eternal mine items are soulbound instead of accountbound

the fact i cant hotkey items like the teleportation gun or my food

the fact there is no easy way to swap between my magic find gear and my proper gear (cant just double click rings and accessories due to it always replacing first item)

(edited by Equilibriator.8741)