I have some HOT issues I wish to share about.
First of all I would like to ask for making a Cooldown of the NPC/mob skills. It is really annoying to be dazed/stunned or whatever few times in row, especially if Stability does not work properly and has it CD really long.
So, what I would suggest you could make it as decreasing a duration; let say 1st attempt takes 2s, 2nd – 1,5s, 3rd – 1s…4th -immune specific skill for couple of seconds. Not like we have at the moment, stun-daze-stun-daze…and forgot to say about daze or stun!
Secondly, it was totally bad move to give people Honour Badges for achievements. Especially for a players which are never played WvW. They now keep saying, “why should I bother about playing WvW if I have badges (200!) just like that?!” They have never even been there but has been rewarded anyway. In the result, I can see swarm of players doing World Event, when on WvW it is hard to see decimal of it. Maybe part-per-thousand is more accurate.
Maybe adding the focus annotation at the server/home menu like PvE, PvE/WvW or WvW could help.
Speaking about improving WvW I was thinking to add a real in-game alliance as it was in WAR. I mean to have shared chat on which people could communicate between the guildies. I know there is TS but there are people which does not like it, it is one, can not use it for some reasons, two. It is about to add the tool instead of giving an advantage of laziness.
Hope you will at least have a look at this issues.