AoE loot

AoE loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


Two quick suggestions to make this nifty feature even better.

1. I have the “AoE Loot on Interact” option set. For the most part, this works perfectly for me. However if I’m close enough to loot one body, that takes priority over the AoE loot — so I have to hit the key multiple times. I’d suggest to change this so that if the current interact option is to loot, then AoE loot should take precedence over individual looting.

2. Add a quick AoE ring for range. Just a ping so I have an idea how far out AoE loot goes. Few of my skills are 900 unit ranges, so it’s not something immediately familiar — most skills are generally either melee or a fair distance (1200) units out.