"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carlos.1432


I don’t know if it is just me that is bothered by this, but I would really like it if players can change their characters’ appearance.
You could set up some barbershops of course, but I realised that might be a lot of work. Here’s another idea: “Appearance Adjustment Kit” in Gem Store.
Double-click on it and it will be just like creating characters. It is easy to use, and hopefully it won’t be too much work to develope and could be ready for players like me shortly.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unanimous.1486


This is probably the most sought after thing since the launch of the game.
I too hope this will be added as soon as possible, and that the price of it wouldn’t be too steep.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: MMOJumper.8504


There was an item in the store at one point that was supposed to work that way but it was either bugged or put in there accidentally so it was quickly removed. I’m desperately awaiting the arrival of such an item. I want to get rid of the tattoos on my Norn Necromancer, and I want to change the goofy face my Asura Ranger has.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elronor.4571


if it would include race change too, i’d be all in.

Elmolol -Elementalist lv80
Sir Elron Noki – Warrior lv80
Server: Gunnar’s Hold

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nairog.3852


I really want the kits. The can do the same thing as they did in GW1. This is a goldmine for ANet.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


I’d use it, hopefully they include it next patch.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hycinthus.6483


It should just be the whole thing, race/ gender makeover, everything. If there is one thing I would buy gems for, it’s for this.

Also on that note, can you please add more character customization options, such as new hairstyles, new facial hair, etc.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


i think its an inclusion Anet want in a quicker than we do. It will make em a small fortune I think, but i think they would only put it out as a good solid finished thing cos its gotta work perfectly.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: defy.7021


sky falls sooner than u see those kits in gemstore
only way to get one was that error day and its really shame that only some lucky pp got them..

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i just would be happy if i could change my hairstyle (beard) from time to time… not paying gems though…

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"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: isuambrose.5843


Agreed. The skin tone I chose in the character creation screen looked different that what I saw in the “world”, or it didn’t play as well with the armor colors as I thought. Even though it didn’t bother me enough to re-roll the character, it would be nice to be able to re-adjust it.

I have no problem changing all of the non-game play related aspects: height, coloring, styles, etc., but changing race is tied to the starting quest tree/personal story, so I don’t know about that.

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korda.8965



I couldn’t agree more, I was just thinking the same thing about changing the looks of the character this moment.
I’d be fine with 200 gem or 1-2gold customization kit or a barber shop with minimal gold fee(s).

Kit suggestion(s):
- gender change
- character customization (within the same race)
- name change

Keep up the good work and please try to implement this option as a Christmas Present

Graegor Moriah – Asura Guardian – Proud member of the [WhiteLions]

"Appearance Adjustment Kit" in Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blueshield.6291


It should just be the whole thing, race/ gender makeover, everything. If there is one thing I would buy gems for, it’s for this.

Also on that note, can you please add more character customization options, such as new hairstyles, new facial hair, etc.

Race re-customization is definitely not going to happen. Tier 3 cultural armor is one of the largest gold investments in the game, and is soulbound on acquire. ANet definitely doesn’t want to allow people to re-select their race and turn 120G worth of armor into wasted bank space. It would also cause issues if racial re-customization was performed in the levels 1-30 bracket, while 100% of your character’s story missions are determined by your race and the biographical choices you made.

It would be far simpler for ANet to allow access only to the physical appearance menu than to try and prevent the myriad of issues caused by changing one’s race or biographical options. I wouldn’t bet too heavily on gender changes, either.