Appearance Change

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tea Time.3980

Tea Time.3980

Please, I will literally get on my knees and beg you for this. Please, please, please put in an appearance change system in the near future. The current lack of an option is really ruining my experience with the game.

I play with a friend and I’ve recently given up on my character because I can’t stand how they look and from the way things are, it seems like appearance change wont be coming for a long time. I’ve restarted my character but my free time is very limited and it will take me quite a while to catch up to him at this point. My friend is already starting to lose interest because we aren’t playing together anymore, due to me restarting.

Please add this feature soon or at the very least give an estimated time that it will be implemented. If it’s not too far down the road I can tough it out on my original character. However, being completely left in the dark, I can’t bring myself to stick with that character.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onza.7165


They added the feature on Guild Wars eventually, no doubt they will bring it to this game also, something to spend gems on!

More violence, less violets.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tea Time.3980

Tea Time.3980

I just hope that it’s soon. If it’s going to be a year from now or even more than a month or two, that’s too long for me.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ciaranhorrex.5674


I very much agree – while I’m not as critically unhappy as ‘Tea Time’ I’d love the option to restyle my character. I imagine it’s a complicated coding job and how to fit it in game – barber, plastic surgeon, Asuran genetic lab…?

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: VicSkimmr.3216


I just hope that it’s soon. If it’s going to be a year from now or even more than a month or two, that’s too long for me.

it’ll most certainly be longer than a month. why not have your friend re-roll an alt to play with you if that’s his primary reason for being bored? just do different races and zones while you level back up.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkwombat.3695


Yes +1
I would like this feature.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xaryo.2603


Agree, that have this in every NCsoft game, so I am not surprised that it will get here eventually.


Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sera.5634


Totally agree! I love my new asura but she is so darn hard to look at! If I could just change a couple things about her face, I wouldn’t feel disgusted during every convo/storyline!

(edited by Sera.5634)

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluefluffyicecream.4652


Highly agree. An edit character option is greatly needed, you and your characters style changes as the game progresses. I must admit I was surprised that there wasn’t a Barber, Plastic surgeon or indeed an Asuran genetic lab (great idea BTW ciaranhorrex.5674) as there are inks and great armor customising. This will need to be a quickly resolved problem as it will make the game play alot more enjoyable for those of us that get bored quickly!
Maybe just start with an apperance edit somewhere that has the same hair styles and colours and then add more hair styles etc later.
This would be hughly apprieciated as i have grown very tiresome of my pink hair :P

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: SPARTdAN.2091


I need this too. Just to change my hair style and colour. I’d also like to rename my character now as the way I play doesn’t represent it’s name now.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guerito.2139


+1 here too. When I started playing the game, I was fascinated with the big Norn girls, and made an extra large one. Little did I know that she would have “massive” problems fighting indoors or doing jumping puzzles in confined spaces. I wish there was a way to make her smaller.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: kylania.6924


+1 I have a nice green headband that doesn’t match anything at all other than my starting clothes.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Probably in the next year or two

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anagnostou.3476


I agree. Alot of light armor masks/helmets clip badly with some hairstyles (Atleast Asuran.) Most good looking armor comes at higher levels and I didn’t know this untill then, so now I don’t want to make my character again from scratch. Don’t think it’s right to pay money for their misstakes, but I would if that’s what it takes. Should also mention that the hairband option for asura screws up the colors on shoulders while wearing the Dry Bones hood (Or similar looking ones).
Now when this is off my chest I just have to say that the game still is a masterpiece and I enjoy it to the max. This is the only issue I’ve had so far.

Thanks for a great game and great support.

(edited by Anagnostou.3476)

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anagnostou.3476

Jason Smalling said: “Thanks for the suggestion! We’ll definitely look into it!
So there is hope!

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


There have to be 20 kittens for this already! Am I the only kitten that can see the Search button?

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kristabella.6213


up up can’t wait too long! Got some nice gear need an appearance update

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mastoras.9680


According to the first Guild Wars, they didnt get change appearance and name change until 4 years into the game. Lets hope they have more manpower to get this out quicker this time.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ariel.9751


Adding my ‘vote’ to have an appearance change system. This is so important to me as a player that I would pay gems for it. Real Money!

If you made it either/or (gems or gold) you would have the love of everyone seeking this feature. Please do it sooner rather than later.

I like how my characters look, for the most part, but if I have the option I change their hair all the time. Since all characters have hair accessories (females anyway, I haven’t played male toons), you really need to be able to change them with your changing armor and dye options.

Sooner rather than later!!!

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ParaMythos.6379


Please allow us to change our characters Face/Body appearance post character creation, I know I can not be alone in this.

I created a character that as far as build goes “I love!” and lvl’d this character to 50, I gave my character long hair that looked awesome at lower levels but I am now having clipping issues, and since I chose a Ranger I don’t have a lot of options in hair covering headgear leaving me unhappy with my character (Yes, not gameplay effecting but vanity can still effect my enjoyment). If this wasn’t an MMO I would have used the console/debug mode that RPG’s generally have.

I will pay for the GEMS if need be!

Right Hand (Guild Leader)
The Scarlet Hand [HAND] – Borlis Pass

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Levenn.1502


beauty salon! +1

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: ariel.9751


ANet is going to ‘look into this’? They didn’t even remotely consider it to start? /looks skeptical.