Appearance change for a fee?
I’m sure they will add this feature as one of their ‘services’ in the future. This along with character name changes.
I think they should add a barber or hair salon in the cities so that you can use gold to at least change your hair.
They added these features in GW1 for a fee, so I definitely feel they willa dd them to GW2 at some point.
I need a good guild. Q_Q
I was just wondering if anyone knew if Anet was planning on releasing a feature where you can re-create the appearance of your character. Either for gems, or gold, or whatever.
I sort of rushed character creation because I wanted to play the game, and now I really wish I could re-customize my face and hair and etc.
I came to this forum for the same request/question.
My Elementalist needs a breast reduction!!! I was a little too hasty in creating the character and it wasn’t until later that I noticed… … … Anyways, I would like the option to re-customize my characters!
They added these features in GW1 for a fee, so I definitely feel they willa dd them to GW2 at some point.
That’s good to hear!
Zakuani – 80 Human Elementalist – 400 Tailoring/400 Cooking
South Lake Union Trolley [RTS], Jade Quarry
This is really a no-brainer of a feature. So I expect it to make its way into the gem store at some point.
Maybe ANET will also add a gold sink where you pay a large amount of coin, then get a randomized appearance
Yes please Anet! I want to change my name.
If enough people view this and/ or reply they’ll look into it. I emailed them about having a option in the trading post as a gem upgrade to change your characters name and that’s what they told me. Post it on here and get enough views/ replies and the development team will look into it.