Aquatic Weapon's carried on land.

Aquatic Weapon's carried on land.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babs.8620


I’m sure this has been suggested before, due to the limited search feature it’s hard for me to find out if this has been suggested already.

I would like to see a feature that could enable me to stow and wield my Aquatic weapons on my character while on land eg: standing around in LA like everyone else when waiting for WvW queues etc.

This would be cosmetic purposes only, there are three underwater legendary weapons that I’m sure would get more people farming and spending more money to get the new foot falls and auras that could be paired with them.

Another idea is to have a Gem store item that could let us wield our Aquatic weapons for a Costume Brawl while on land. A predefined set of costume brawls skills per weapon (spear/harpoon/trident)

I would like to be able to display my Pact Harpon or Voltec spear instead of my regular weapons.
