Arabic support / interface arabic font

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: kankon.9251


hello ..
thanks for guild wars 2 /Arenanet for everything
about Arabic support (AR) / interface Arabic font (AR) / events …
are guild wars 2 doing for upcoming Arabic support (AR) and Arabic interface (AR) ?
about events there is a lot of event about Arabian like
1- Ali baba with 44 thieves
2- Ramadan , its every years for ( but its too late foe this year cuz well be start at tomorrow 9/7/2013
and more events you can search from Google about Arabian

am looking forward

sorry am not good speak English

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: wouw.5837


I don’t think they will do in-game event’s based on arabic holidays, translation? idk, maybe, if enough Arabic people play

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: kankon.9251


there is enough Arabian people play guild wars 2
also its not hard to make it Arabic interface like they add interface FR / DE / ES
about events , they can make it at first time with English while we have Arabian development
btw there is a lot of games online with 4 ~ 5 language interface ( EN – FR – DE – ES – AR – TR <- = turkey )

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


there is enough Arabian people play guild wars 2

That depends on what amount is defined as “enough” for them to base holiday events on.

Also, do you have any proof of there being “enough”, or is it just a guess?

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: kankon.9251


well I can’t proof , cuz I don’t have access guild wars 2 or Arenanet support to search how many Arabian ip , also there is Arabian people live from EU / or NA , so its not about proof or how many !! , its how to support this game more language ,or how to make it more better without confused others

(edited by kankon.9251)

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


its not about proof or how many !!

It’s exactly about that. A lot of work would need to go into the translations and I assume they would need to hire people that are proficient in Arabic to do the translations. All amounts to more money being used. If the target market is not large enough, the amount of money they make from the few extra sales will not be worth the effort of the translations.

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! –

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorby.8236


I don’t know about full localization, but at least most major scripts should be supported.

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

Arabic support / interface arabic font

in Suggestions

Posted by: kankon.9251


well its same like they add more language like FR – DE – ES , so its not hard to add more language ,
btw , do you think ( EU People from fr or de or es … enough ? )
so why they add new language es ? they are enough ? so its same …
most of player played guild wars 2 from west Asia and NA
and why they not add Chinese or Japanese or Korean language ?
so its not about money , arenanet they can make more money