Are legendary weapons too over the top?

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

I’m about to finally craft my legendary, but I’m having trouble deciding which one to craft. The problem is that almost every legendary is crazy over the top with animations or the skin is something out of a cartoon show. Why can’t some of the legendary weapons just be a simple skin with one or two cool effects. Example the sword Infinite Light in my opinion looks awesome, aside from being long and skinny, but take that sword add an aura around the player and you have a neat legendary that isn’t crazy over the top. We don’t need footprints, particle trails etc. At least give us the option to turn this stuff off. Sunrise and Twilight would be much better in my opinion with just the aura and the cool looking blade. The particle trail and footprints are absurd.

The animations on some of the weapons actually interferes with gameplay in my opinion. The game relies on timing and dodging, but how can you do that when two guys with twilight are hitting you and all you see is black particle effects?

Just my two cents. I’m sure people will come post to say “it’s a legendary it’s supposed to be over the top.” Well true, but does it have to annoy everyone else in the game?

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Kinda sounds like you want the Legendary because it’s a Legendary. No offense.

Why not get Infinite Light?

Anyhows, Flameseeker Prophecies looks pretty awesome, and would go pretty well with Infinite Light, IMO.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taril.8619


Okay… List of Legendaries that have large amounts of particle effects and/or look cartoonish:

The new Predator (It now has an aura and footprints)
Dreamer (Seriously… Unicorns?)

Legendaries that don’t have large amounts of particle effects and are not as cartoonish:

Flameseeker Prophesies
Frostfang (Has footsteps, but no OTT particle effects)
Kudzu (Has footsteps, but no OTT particle effects)
Kamohoali’i Kotaki
Moot (Now has footsteps, though no OTT particle effects)

So saying almost every legendary is covered with huge amounts of particle effects is wrong.

The most popular are the ones with the most particle effects… I wonder why that is?

“Pull the trigger, move out ahead,
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

The only reason I am even crafting a legendary is for the stupid greyed out box on the log in screen. If Anet decided to let that fill in with particular mystic forge weapons I would forget about a legendary in a heartbeat. I mean some of them are pretty ridiculous in what it takes to craft them. Flameseeker prophesies is a great example of what a legendary should be in my opinion. It is simple, detailed, has awesome effects, but isn’t completely overwhelming. Problem for me is that I’m a guardian and I would have aegis covering it up all the time.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lenneth.1372


I kinda felt the same way. I made an Infinite Light instead, finished it yesterday, and I love the thing. Looks awesome on my guardian.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazy Chris.9241

Crazy Chris.9241

You do realize that Eternity is the same as twilight and sunrise right particle effects and all. I don’t think it has footsteps yet, but that will most assuredly change. I think most people would agree that minstrel and meteorlogicus are just ridiculous. Biforst leaves a trail of rainbows, which a lot of people don’t find attractive. I’m not even considering underwater legendary for the sheer fact that they are uw weapons which you use maybe 15% of game time.

I’ll give you Rodgort, Flameseeker, and Moot. Juggernaunt would be amazing without footsteps/silver flying everywhere.

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taril.8619


I think most people would agree that minstrel and meteorlogicus are just ridiculous.

From what I’ve heard and from what I’ve read in the multitude of threads on these forums about it, the only complaints I’ve heard about Minstrel and Metearlogicus is that neither of them have particle effects or footsteps. Their designs are actually quite nice, they’re just lacking that “Look at me, I’ve got a legendary” aspect that is achieved in the most part from particle effects (90% of the time I’m in a crowded area, I only notice legendaries due to the occasional particle effect I see)

I’m not even considering underwater legendary for the sheer fact that they are uw weapons which you use maybe 15% of game time.

So you want a legendary to fill out the Account Medal, don’t want a weapon with “Crazy particle effects” and won’t consider a large portion of the legendary weapons that fit this due to not being able to see it a lot of the time, even if you could just craft an underwater weapon, get the medal and then proceed to craft something you want like Infinite Light (I’m sure if you wanted you could actually buy a legendary, since only the ones with flashy effects cost the really high amounts of gold on the trading post (Twilight + Sunrise I see for about 2.5k gold, the next highest is Bolt for 800 gold)

As for your concern about being attacked by people wielding something like Twilight, the particle effects don’t actually cover anything really, the only additional effects that come from the weapon (That might actually cause an issue with reading abilities) is the trail from Twilight/Sunrise/Eternity when the blade is moved, this effect is very minor and won’t interfere with spotting people’s animations…

As it is, legendaries seem to be all about the particle effects yet have been done in a way that it won’t hinder combat and also doesn’t interfere with character designs too much (Aside from Juggernaut the only character effects are slight auras and frosty/fiery arms holding the weapons)

“Pull the trigger, move out ahead,
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”

Are legendary weapons too over the top?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liewec.2896


to be honest they look legendary because they ARE legendaries!
if you want a weapon that does’nt blast out with in-your-face animations get a different weapon.
legendaries stand out by design!