Area Bossess Mini Mapped by Waypoint

Area Bossess Mini Mapped by Waypoint

in Suggestions

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


I would Like to see a Directory for the Zone Bosses set with the mini bosses.

I feel this would be helpful and an improvement to the Waypoint System because You would be able to quickly scan this directory for the WP on the ZBD (Zone Boss Directory ) and click it from the directory.

It could further be improved upon from the suggestion By allowing the ZBD to become a ZBDD (Zone BOSS Directory Dialler) to allow direct apororating to the Zone Boss. Yes its a Star Dialer!! (More like a Plains Dialer but heh Symatics who needs them.)

Either of these peices would allow players to quickly and effeciently get to a know Zone WP Or a known area of the map (thus keeping an immersive enviroment.) and never be late for a very importent date again.