Areas Beyond Imaginations

Areas Beyond Imaginations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lightning.7068


The path to guild war 2 is not easy and it hard to fix everything. Oh whatever, trying to start a post with a understandable and thrilling entrance is hard and it took me 10 mins to type in the first sentence so here goes.

Post title : Areas Beyond Imaginations refers to :

All Areas except Dungeons

I see hundreds of events starting and no one is there to do them. It is now time to fix that because I am heartbroken to see good quest go to waste and cant be finish due to my lack of power.

Mesmer Traits:

If you look at it carefully , traits regarding phantasm that reduce recharge rates overlaps with
1. One of the 5 point traits bonus for illusions recharge rates
2. Sword Skills Recharge rates
3. 2H Sword Skills Recharge rates
4. Sceptor / Staff Recharge Rates.

Wouldn’t It be more beneficial to have traits that does something else since those traits can’t be stack.


everything about guilds annoys me. loyalty doesnt exist in guilds since you can join like 4 and represent only when you feel like it. no logging of who whatsoever.

when Battle comes Reach for the sun?

Areas Beyond Imaginations

in Suggestions

Posted by: jason.9217


it was great for a while when the game first came out, there were tons of people for all events but now most are lvl80 they don’t bother with the low level stuff unless going for map completion; that or they just quit the game.

Boardgames FTW:
HeroQuest, Talisman, Heroscape, Munchkin Quest
DungeonQuest, Dungeon Run etc…