Arena Survival Mode

Arena Survival Mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: ATC Alpha.4098

ATC Alpha.4098

I’d like to see a survival mode type dungeon in the near future where your group gets to fight against waves of different kinds of enemies with unique skills and abilities. Perhaps some defend objective mode of some sort and you hold a chokepoint vs. mobs.

I liked the christmas toy event, something similar can be done but with all your professions’ abilities available instead of tools/wep pick ups. That’d be a kitten load of fun.

Would be nice if it was placed in Southsun Cove because it looks pretty.

Feel free to input positive comments, negative ones aren’t welcome.

Arena Survival Mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


Interesting idea. Southsun does need a little love, so anything to attract players there would be nice. What kind of rewards did you have in mind? Some # of tokens per wave and similar rewards to other dungeons or something new? Since it would be an indefinite survival fight, I think it would in a way force the discovery of better/new class synergies. Adds a little more flavor.

Oh, and you’re on a public forum. Negative comments will come, no matter now nicely you ask people to not post them. Ideas need both positive and negative comments, that’s what “discussion” is all about and it helps flesh out an idea and make it better. There’s no discussion if the world bends over and accepts your idea thoughtlessly :P

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
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