ArenaNet: My Game Suggestions

ArenaNet: My Game Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moophious.1735


Dear ArenaNet – as a long time player of GW1 (Millennial Dawn Xxx) I really believe that you guys care about our concerns so here are some concerns I have thus far -

Dungeon rewards:

We need more incentive to run/re-run ALL dungeons at max level. An example is spending hours to clear one dungeon (or trying too) and not receiving much compensate. We spend a lot on repairs that isn’t always made up from the drops obtained. Reward people for their time with pretty rare shinies- not only with stuff we can’t even use or want every so often. Vain? Sure but it at least feels like we have a chance at something other than endless wipes that we can’t afford.

Also, as level 80 I cannot use a level 30 helm when I am at level 80. Any weapons that drop are meaningless other than salvaging or trying to sell. If you scale us why not scale our personal drops to our level? Sure I could run only level 80 dungeons but that defeats the point of scaling and enjoying all the content doesn’t it? I WANT to run all explorer mode dungeons but don’t want to feel like the only reason is to obtain tears or simply the challenge (those are good too of course). You see I didn’t even complete a dungeon before hitting max level – mainly because it was bugged at the time and we couldn’t all zone in at the same time or instance.

Some Storymode mob HP is simply ridiculous. There is nothing gained by this and it isn’t a boss. Spending a full 5 minutes on one trash mob isn’t anyone’s idea of fun and it’s only challenge is removing their HP.

You did some things very well in GW1. Why take away things that kept the game and the people there in the first place?

Chests runs? FoW, UW and Epic Crystalline Swords only obtained at certain areas and a lot of work?

ArenaNet: My Game Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moophious.1735


FoW was popular for a reason – it was fun. Running around in a high level area zerging is okay to an extent but it doesn’t compare to FoW styled encounters imo. It gets old much faster than these other options. Please consider making me feel like there is a rainbow at max level again.

I obtained the Holy Lightbringer early on my fire elemental (Searing Princess) and had a blast running those larger than 5-man groups doing things like Mallyx the Unyielding. It was great ‘end game’ fun content and those great ‘Tormented weapons’ made you feel like you really earned something on top of having a dedicated group of friends. Fun stuff and fun is always welcomed right? I don’t like being boxed into only doing a 5-man. I like the ‘option’ of doing more group runs other than WvW etc.
If anything you could make 8-man groups even more awesome – not remove them completely.

Other things -

I like being able to ‘target’ myself even IF there is no ‘practical’ reason doing do. Simple, stupid but true. I LIKE seeing myself an my title.

Hall of Monuments – I’m not going to blast you much about this but I would have hoped that those skins that I spent YEARS to unlock would be a little more ‘epic’ than your regular trash drops in GW2. Honestly I can’t even remove the skin without salvaging the items. Having generic armor skins for all that hard work is really disappointing to say the least guys. Things like the Crystalline Sword would have at least made me a little more content.

I liked being able to unlock the map and not having to pay to get somewhere simply for the fact of unlocking the point. I honestly have made myself broke meeting up with friends etc. At least bring it down into the copper range.

I liked that I couldn’t run into an area 10 levels below and think that I could simply avoid 99% of the mobs. Really I was running to level 70 areas 20 levels below. Mobs simply don’t chase you after a few dodges. Maybe it doesn’t matter since you can’t really do anything there anyways but you did KNOW that you couldn’t do it!

Being a ‘runner’ in game was FUN. It wasn’t the only way to get somewhere but I cannot tell you how many hours I spent doing it and having it done for me. Again incorporate a fun area for this in the future.

I really liked having a guild hall. Not having a ‘pad’ is sad – honestly. Why change something that’s not broken? It was cool then and is still cool now.

I liked the ping/FPS meter icon.

I really liked missions – even if they’re optional and dungeons or my personal story last mission doesn’t replace them. Future again to think about. I know it would keep me logged on more than at present.

ArenaNet: My Game Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moophious.1735


I really liked being able to ‘observe’ games when doing nothing else.

I really liked personal trading but could live with at least the option to COD. Just because gold sellers tried to ruin it for us we shouldn’t be forced to only use the trading house if we want to sell the old fashioned way. For some people doing nothing but trading IS their game in Guild Wars.

You say you really haven’t removed tanking/healing per se just switched it up. Well I honestly think you should give the OPTION to those of us who enjoy giving a little more support than currently afforded in game. I am a guardian and fully spec’d into defense seems to be a complete waste when I could simply dodge’ & avoid like everyone else and kill mobs faster. Sure I can take a bit more damage up front but in the end it seems to defeat the purpose.

If a guardian wants to spend all his talents ‘healing’ let him.
If he wants to ‘tank’ let him simply make the tools more powerful while spec’d this way. There is nothing wrong if in the end it takes the team longer or whatever. Choice is good – boxed into a so-so half breed I’m not too certain about.

I cannot stress how impressed I am overall with the game. Honestly I left for that other MMO back in late 07 and have logged in GW every so often. Seriously it made me sad because the world became nothing but the number eight and no one ever looking for a group. Thanks for removing those heros – they were a good idea that imo ruined the game later on. We play to play with real people after all.

You game is truly beautiful – EPIC and I can even JUMP> and the movement is awesome.

I really looked forward to more guys – your friend in game

ArenaNet: My Game Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moophious.1735


And last but certainly not least – please make an option to zoom OUT more. I know there must be a reason for you setting it the way you have so at least work on how to change it a bit.