Arenanet, Why do you close your arenas?

Arenanet, Why do you close your arenas?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vendetta.5296


Hi there, I have played around the game for a while now and some of the things i love about the game is the pit fight arenas, But once your quest is done you cannot visit some of them and do the challenge for the fun of it. Could this please be changed? I would really like to fight in the group pit with a friend or two like for an example in Snowblind peaks, It is one of those where you cannot enter the rings after you are done.

Arenanet, Why do you close your arenas?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vendetta.5296


Also, If you could allow us to start doing things in the bane (The huge arena in the bane) Like the story quest, That would be great!

Arenanet, Why do you close your arenas?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vendetta.5296


Sorry that was supposed to say (The huge arena within the citadel)

Arenanet, Why do you close your arenas?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lonewarg.5248


This ^^

I tried to enter the group arena in Gendarran fields last night to help someone (poor kitty was dying…) and I couldn’t as I had completed the heart. Had to watch him die…which was fun I will admit…