Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Please put in switchable armor sets. I have all my inventory slots unlocked and half of it is taken up by the exotic armor and trinkets I regularly switch between. Would be great if I could just click a tab and have my cond set, flip another and have my defensive set or my DPS set. Would really make my gaming experience more enjoyable, cut down on inventory micromanaging(terrible part of games), and should be pretty easy to implement. I think a lot of players would really enjoy this. Thank you.

(edited by Omerta.9820)

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Something like the PvP locker would be nice.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


Anything would be great, I’d love to

A: Not have armor and trinkets for a specific build take up space. It shouldn’t feel like such a chore after I go through the trouble of accumulating the armor and trinkets for a specific build.
B: Be able to switch my armor/trinks out for that build without having to reorganize my inventory each time.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Georc.2958


I agree with the OP. Anything that makes it easier to switch between builds (while out of combat of course), can only be a good thing.

On a different note, I suggest changing the topic title to something that better reflects what your post is about. Something like “Make it Easier to Switch Between Sets of Gear” or something.

(edited by Georc.2958)

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: stale.9785


+1, agreed, and also, 15 characters. Yes, yes yes.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yah, a title that actually sums up what you want will stick in the Dev’s mind better than one thats vague. ^^ I was actually expecting this thread to be about more armor skins in the gem store.

This however is a great idea. I know numerous people have multiple armor sets and inventory can be tight.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


OK new post coming.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omerta.9820


New Topic can be found here

they wouldn’t let me put in “Make it Easier to Switch Between Sets of Gear” because it was too many characters. I tried. Thanks for your input guys.

Armor Sets, C'mon Guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I would definitely support an Armor Locker/Wardrobe for PvE as well. Make it another “collection” that we can unlock and I guarantee it will increase demand for obscure armor sets (and therefore crafters) tenfold.