Armor Swapping (Trading Post Item?)

Armor Swapping (Trading Post Item?)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Northlander.4619



I’ve found a few sets of armor that I really like but the problem is that I’d rather not lug them around in my backpack where they are so slow to equip. Now we already have the swapping for town clothes but in all honesty I haven’t really seen anyone using those even on the unofficial RP server.

Why not add option to swap real armors? I mean you can already do it but it’s just slow equipping one piece at a time. Perhaps disable the option in combat if it’s a balance concern.

Suggestion: Add possibility to swap between two sets of armor. As this is basically similar to buying extra inventory space maybe sell it on black lion for similar price?

(edited by Northlander.4619)

Armor Swapping (Trading Post Item?)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Augcliffe.1342


I agree 100%…need swappable armor. For example, I’d like a condition armor set and a healing armor set for my ele.

Armor Swapping (Trading Post Item?)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yep. It’d be really nice to combine the usefulness of invisible bags with equipment swap settings.

Armor Swapping (Trading Post Item?)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Was just about to suggest this. Would love to see armor sets implemented.