Armor and design! whats wrong!!
I found variety from karma vendors.
the armor starts getting different at about level 30 or so.
what if you want to save your Karma?
OGseth i know thats what i said……i want variety all the way up to lvl 30
That’s because your level 30.
They aren’t going to hand you glowing shoulders when you can’t even fill out your elite skill.
The armour looks options start opening up more the higher the level. Heart vendors being one of them. The gear I saw from Heart vendors I never saw up in the TP.
Also they want you you to use transmogrification stones and purchasable skins.
I’m more concerned with the fact that 80% of lighr armor looks hideous.
And those masks…what…just..WHY?
I found variety from karma vendors.
This is probably what I’m going to have to do when I roll my Ranger and Thief, though I’m not looking forward to it. From what I’ve seen so far from crafting, while Leatherworking will still be fun to keep up with to make yourself armor for stats, it sounds like I’ll need to buy a lot of Transmutation stones to keep looking the way I want.
I have to do the same with Tailoring, but there was a while there, twice I think, where I was able to suck it up and where what they gave me.
I’m more concerned with the fact that 80% of lighr armor looks hideous.
And those masks…what…just..WHY?
Forget the masks. As a human male elementalist, the options are terribad. I can only imagine how it is for a charr. That’s right charr casters are definitely the minority for a reason.
Not everyone wants to roll a female elementalist.
im not asking fro crazy armor. just a skin update on some armor just vary each kind or armor or weapon. a axe and a fine axe dont look any different even tho they might be 5 lvls between the two. maybe make the fine axe have a black handle instead of a wooden one like the normal axe. im just asking for them to make armor and weapons unique. so it makes me feel like my gear is lvling not just my stats.